Acts of Kindness
Garbage men get note from a mother that breaks their heart & take matters into their own hands
What she had written broke their hearts.
Cherie Gozon

Grace, Rose, and Sophia Evenson loved Thursdays because it’s garbage pick-up day.

YouTube Screenshot - WCCO - CBS Minnesota
YouTube Screenshot - WCCO - CBS Minnesota

These little girls would rush to their front window once they heard the garbage truck pulling up.

Rose would push her face in the binoculars (to give her more of a “lookout” feel) and wave at their friends.

Their friends are Brandon Olsen and Taylor Fritz, who work for Hometown Sanitation.

YouTube Screenshot - WCCO - CBS Minnesota
YouTube Screenshot - WCCO - CBS Minnesota

The girls wave excitedly at the two with the biggest smiles, and both men wave back with the same enthusiasm and joy.

This unlikely friendship has grown and has a special place in their hearts.

Brandon and Taylor looked forward to Thursdays because the simple gesture made their day.

YouTube Screenshot - WCCO - CBS Minnesota
YouTube Screenshot - WCCO - CBS Minnesota

They said it warms their heart to see them wave at them every time, and they showed how much it meant to them one Halloween by dropping by sweets and treats for all three girls.

This was a gesture that their parents, Aaron and Angie, appreciated so much.

In return, the girls created some ‘thank you’ cards and gave them to their favorite sanitation workers.

YouTube Screenshot - WCCO - CBS Minnesota
YouTube Screenshot - WCCO - CBS Minnesota

Brandon and Taylor have kept these cards since saying that it picks them up when they have a bad day, knowing that three little ladies from Blue Earth, Minnesota, appreciate everything they do.

But another letter captured their hearts – a note from Angie.

YouTube Screenshot - WCCO - CBS Minnesota
YouTube Screenshot - WCCO - CBS Minnesota

The letter said:

“We may miss you some Thursdays upcoming; our 3-year-old girl was diagnosed with cancer and has chemo on Thursdays.”

Three-year-old Rose was diagnosed with Stage 4 kidney cancer around a month before Halloween.

Facebook - Aaron Angie Evenson
Facebook - Aaron Angie Evenson

Tests and other lab results showed that the cancer had spread to her lungs and would need chemotherapy and radiation – both needing a long time away from their home.

Angie had no other intentions in writing that letter.

YouTube Screenshot - WCCO - CBS Minnesota
YouTube Screenshot - WCCO - CBS Minnesota

She said she just wanted to inform Brandon and Taylor about this, so they won’t feel bad or wonder why the girls weren’t waving by the window in the upcoming weeks.

A week after they got Angie’s letter, they gave her one in reply. But this one’s from their company.

GoFundMe - Amber Blom
GoFundMe - Amber Blom

Part of it said:

“Our teammates Brandon and Taylor filled us in on the situation and shared the very kind note you left for them. We were so proud that their gestures gave you a reason to smile recently. Please accept our gift of free garbage service for you through the end of 2017.”

Brandon and Taylor gave up their complimentary service as a privilege for working in the company and gave it to the Evensons.

Facebook - Aaron Angie Evenson
Facebook - Aaron Angie Evenson

“I started crying. It was only a few weeks out from the diagnosis. Sometimes it’s hard to be positive, but little things like what Hometown did are helping us limp along,” Angie said about this kind gesture.

Blessings kept pouring for the Evensons as Brandon and Taylor dropped by with Christmas gifts for the girls.

YouTube Screenshot - WCCO - CBS Minnesota
YouTube Screenshot - WCCO - CBS Minnesota

They said that they might have missed them for some weeks, but this was one way that they wanted to make up for it.

This friendship and kindness showed that care and compassion know no bounds.

Learn more about their story in the video below. You can also donate to their GoFundMe page for Rose’s medical expenses.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
