When the first snow of the year hits, all of the kids in the neighborhood run outside to build a snowman. It’s a time-honored tradition that’s been going on for generations.
People have been crafting snowmen for thousands of years in the winter, ever since back in the Middle Ages. In 1494, famous sculptor Michelangelo was even commissioned by the ruler of Florence, Italy to craft a snowman in the ruler’s courtyard.
While no one was paid to make the snowmen on our list, the ones we’ve included here are works of art in their own right. From snowmen hitchhikers to whole villages of snowman showing up on the lawn, these are the silliest snow creations that we could find. If you like these joyful snowmen, make sure to share them with your friends and family as well!
This snowman is doing a handstand and suspended completely upside-down. The biggest snowball is on top and the smallest one on the bottom. The craziest part though is that those little sticks for arms can actually support him!
Snowman aren’t allowed typically allowed to ride inside the car as they would melt on the seats. However, this little guy found an alternative option. He managed to sneak a ride on the windshield instead.
Here we have a recreation of the famous Greek statue Venus de Milo. It’s a beautiful depiction of the Greek God. Although, putting the hat on top does make it look a little bit sillier. At first, we thought it was actually a mannequin.
The main thing to worry about when playing in the snow is usually catching a cold. However, in this yard, there is a bigger danger lurking. There is a snow shark swimming around next to the swimmers!
They say that you should look both ways before you cross the street. It’s really good advice. After all, just look at what happened to this poor snowman family.
This snowman is boiling heads in a pot and has other heads stuck on the end of stakes. It would be pretty horrifying if it wasn’t so ridiculous. It’s the snowman version of the wicked witch and her cauldron.
One of these dogs is real and the other is made out of snow. Can you tell which is which? They look more or less identical!
This thirsty snowman can be seen enjoying a couple of adult beverages out on the lawn. He just found out that he’s going to melt in a few months, so he has to do as much celebrating as possible while he still can. He has a bottle of beer in one hand and an empty glass in the other.
We had to do some serious research to try and figure out what this one is. Apparently, it is a recreation from the anime movie
Spirited Away by Hayao Miyazaki. It is both fascinating and goofy looking.
There is nothing quite like playing a round of cards with your best friends to pass the time on a cold winter day. These snowmen make time for a game or two every week. Their poker table is open to anyone who is willing to brave the winter weather.
11. Attack Of The Snowmen
This is what it looks like when a bunch of tiny snowmen gang up on a bigger one. It’s not easy taking down a snowman of his size, but the wild snowmen are going to try anyway. In the dead of winter, you do what you have to to survive.
If you are a fan of the
Minions, then you will love this fun creation. All three of the Minions are pictured — Bob, Kevin, and Stuart. The attention to detail is nothing short of incredible.
We’ve heard of people doing snow angels before. However, this is the first time that we’ve ever seen snowmen doing them. It’s such a cute idea!
Imagine waking up to an evil snowman looking in your window in the morning. That’s what happened to this poor guy. His roommates decided to play a joke on him one day while he was sleeping.
Fans of the Japanese animation film
My Neighbour Totoro will recognize this one. It’s a recreation of Totoro! Or in other words, a really cute cat-like creature made out of snow with multiple other cats inside.
Here we have another attempt at recreating a cat out of snow. It turned out just as goofy looking. For starters, the cat is shockingly round. However, if your body is a snowball, we suppose that makes sense.
Another instance where the tiny baby snowmen have taken over is pictured in this image. They’ve tackled the giant and now they are tying him up. It’s because he was hogging all of the snow for himself!
Playgrounds are left to sit empty in the winter. With all of the snow and ice, kids aren’t able to play on the equipment safely. However, there are some types of creatures that can still take advantage…
What would you do if you came across this set-up at night? It’s super spooky! All of the mounds of snow have glow sticks hidden inside of them so that when it gets dark out the creepy eyes light up.
The drivers thought that they were only going to have to scrape the snow off their vehicle before heading to work in the morning. Instead, they found a naked snowman lying on the hood. He must have been drunk the night before and fell asleep there.
21. Snowman’s New Cellphone
People everywhere are constantly glued to their phones. You can’t go anywhere without a cell on hand anymore, and apparently, snowmen can’t either. Even they are texting and using social media now…
This is basically the cutest snowcat ever. We just want to run over and give her a giant hug. She has her arms outreached seeking attention and we definitely think that she deserves it.
Instead of making one large snowman, why not make thousands of little ones? That’s what this family did. The crowd was so large that there wasn’t even any space to move around!
Snowmen are typically fun and friendly. However, every once and a while, a bad apple gets mixed in with the bunch. You have to be really careful out there!
When the officers spotted someone biking in the middle of a snowstorm, they figured that they should stop and investigate. What they found was shocking. It turns out, the cyclist was a snowman!
This snowman has a friendly cat to keep him company so that he doesn’t get bored outside alone. We think that every snowman should have a pet. It’s only fair!
Polar bears were made for the snow. They blend right in with the scenery. Interestingly, a few carefully placed snowballs and a couple of pieces of coal are all it takes to make one for yourself at home.
There is nothing that makes a snowman look cooler than a big blue mohawk and a pair of shades. He is too cool for school and if you try to talk to him, he won’t hear you. He has his headphones on and is blasting music.
We always thought that zombies were the worst-case apocalypse scenario, but how about zombie snowmen? That’s even scarier. They will do anything to avoid melting, including eating their own.
The mailman in the neighborhood will definitely appreciate this one. It’s a snowman mailbox. You have to feed the letters into the snowman’s mouth!
Yoda is the legendary Jedi Master from the Star Wars franchise. Here we have the snowman version of the wise being. He has trained the Jedi for his entire life, and now, he’s on a new path, or should we say sidewalk.
We would be very happy to have these two fine officers patrolling our neighborhood. Just judging from first appearances, they seem very jovial. We would feel very safe with them walking around watching out for criminals.
It’s not a very realistic looking bunny rabbit. Although, it is extremely cute! It reminds us of the character Miffy from the classic Dutch children’s book series
Miffy and Friends.
If it’s possible to be both angry and hilarious at the same time, this snowman certainly fits the bill. He is raging about something, yet making the goofiest expression while doing it. It’s pretty funny stuff.
We’ve seen snowmen eating other snowmen before. However, here we have a full-grown man getting eaten by a snowman. The craziest part though is how the man managed to get up there without it all crashing down.
This silly cat enjoys food more than most. Just look at the size of her belly! It’s basically just one huge snowball.
This snowman must have taken a whole village to build. You can see the car and house sitting next to it to get an idea of its size. The giant snowman makes everything else look tiny in comparison.
38. An Unfortunate Collision
Most snowman eventually meet their maker when spring comes around and all of the snow melts. However, this poor guy didn’t even survive until the end of the season. He somehow managed to get impaled by a tree first.
This funny snow dog is surprisingly cute. We wish we could get a closer look at her collar so that we could see what her name is. We imagine it being something like Snowflake or Blizzard.
We’re not sure why the one snowman let the other one bury him up to his head. However, it’s obvious that there was some beer involved. It looks like some sort of drunken argument must have spiraled out of control.
In this photo, a snowman swims for his life across a sea of snow. He is being chased by what appear to be four sharks behind him. The harrowing fins are clearly visible above the surface.
In general, snowmen are fun and friendly works of art. However, not all snowmen are created equal. This one is more like something that we would expect to see in a horror film!
This is what it looks like when the whole family comes together to build a snowman. Everyone knows how much fun playing in the snow can be. Even the family dog came out to participate in the activity.
44. Winter Bowling League
It took us a while to figure out what was going on in this backyard. It turns out, it’s a snowman bowling alley. Two snowman friends are using the third snowman’s head as a ball!
Technically, this one is still a snowman, even though it is created out of sand. It’s obviously a very warm and sunny day too. The artists are standing next to it casting their shadow all around the sandy creation.
This puppy got his own little dog house sculpture made out of snow. It looks just like him too. Now, he can sleep in style while enjoying the great outdoors.
It must have taken some serious strength to lift those giant snowballs up above her head like that. It’s a pretty impressive feat. However, the coolest part is definitely the traffic cone hat.
Someone took out this snowman with a shovel. It’s pretty gruesome, however, you don’t have to worry too much. The police are already on the case!
There was barely enough snow in this area to make snowmen, but the kid pulled it off regardless. Here he is posing with his masterpieces. Sure, they are a little muddy, but they still look great!
50. Icy Driving Conditions
There was a serious accident in this front yard. Someone hit one of the snowmen with their car while pulling into the driveway. The entire snowman family was outraged about it!
Sometimes, you only have enough snow to make a tiny snowman. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s any less fun for those involved. Every time that people walk onto this front porch, they are greeted by the little dude.
This creative snowman is both simple and beautiful. It is obviously supposed to be some kind of animal, but is it a cat, a dog, or a panda? It’s not entirely clear.
Here we have another snowman with the head of a dog. However, adding even more confusion to the situation is the fact that the dog is wearing a skirt. We don’t know what to think about it.
The attention to detail on this demon made out of snow is both incredible and horrifying. In the daylight, we can handle it. However, if we encountered this creation at night, we would be scared out of our minds.
These people made a pirate snowman. He has his pirate hat with a skull and crossbones to prove it. Although, the real giveaway is the fact that he has a bottle of rum strapped to his belt.
He’s not the grandest king in the world. Although, he is the cutest. In reality, he is only big enough to fit in the palm of your hand.
Little snowmen are always fun to make. What really makes this one pop though is the tiny beanie. That, along with the purple pipe cleaner scarf and smile, really make it stand out.
The way that this guy supports his weight entirely with his neck is very neat. No hands are necessary for his handstands. It’s a talent that’s sure to impress all of the visitors to the neighborhood.
The face on this evil snowman looks like it was drawn on in Photoshop. It must be the lighting though. That’s the only sane way to explain this supernatural phenomenon.
There is more than one type of strange snow creature that comes out at night. Here we have what appears to be some sort of dinosaur. If we had to guess, we would say it’s an albino Stegosaurus.
Some people use fancy supplies to make their creative snowmen. Other people simply use whatever they can find that’s lying around. For example, a tuft of grass and a couple of sticks.
Here we have an entire dog crafted out of white, fluffy snow. He is both cuddly and adorable. Although, sadly, he has to live outside. Try and let him sit on the couch indoors and he will leave a big, wet puddle.
The coolest part about this snowman is the eyes. They managed to make them appear surprisingly human-like. It really feels like the snowman is looking at us.
How do we know that this snowman is a grandpa? For starters, he has false teeth! This is a guy who has been around for a while and seen a lot of winters throughout his life.
Is this man proposing to a snowman? Whatever is going on here, both of them look really excited about it. At the very least, they are definitely best friends.
The hair-do on this snowman is out of control. Someone definitely needs to run a comb through it. It’s all a big sticky and sappy mess.
67. Extraterrestrial Visitor
If you’ve ever watched the series
Doctor Who, you will know exactly what this one is depicting. It’s a Dalek. Or in other words, it’s a crazy alien set on destroying the world.
The jacket and scarf are way too small for this goofy snow woman. Her body is exploding out of the bottom of it. Meanwhile, her upper body and head are super small.
Here we have a mermaid snow sculpture. It’s a very cool work of art. What we really want to know though is what’s inside that special blue bottle that she’s protecting.
Is this a scene out of
Harry Potter? It definitely could be. It looks like the snowman is riding a broom and playing Quidditch.
We imagine that snowmen get quite lonely hanging out in the cold by themselves all of the time. However, this family has a simple solution. Their snowman rides around town with them in their bike basket.
Most people think that you need snow to make a snowman. However, it’s not true at all. Even tropical destinations have figured out ways to join in on all of the fun.
This person went all out in the style department. Between the rainbow jacket, sunglasses, and hat, there is a lot going on. If you look closely, you’ll see that there is even a cigarette in her hand.
If you don’t have enough snow to make a full snowman but still want to get creative, why not just apply the snow to the wall of your home? That’s what these people did. They used the snow like putty or plaster.
We are really used to seeing the classic snowman with a big carrot for the nose. However, this snowman is completely unique— it uses the carrot for its teeth. We absolutely love it!
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Which one of these silly snowmen is your favorite?