With millions of viewers, a fantastic friendly and humble host and dozens of heartwarming stories, The Ellen Show is surely must-see television. Every once a while, Ellen decides to invite a couple of heroes or people with large hearts for others.
In a recent episode, Ellen invited the couple Rob and Reece Scheer – two dads from Maryland who started their own charity, Comfort Cases. The couple started the nonprofit a couple of years ago to help children that were placed in foster care.
“Their story is one of the reasons I love my job,” Ellen said.
The Scheer family has adopted four kids themselves from bad circumstances to provide for them in a loving and warm home. Rob himself actually grew up in the foster care system, and he was always sad that he didn’t really have any belongings of his own when moving from foster home to foster home.
He didn’t want any foster child to feel the same way he did ever again.
Together with his husband Reece, who have now been married together for seven years, he started a nonprofit foundation.

Comfort Cases makes sure that foster kids have a case with their own stuff in it that they can also move around, such as pajamas, blankets, a book, a toy and some sanitary necessities such as shampoo, a toothbrush and body wash. For children over ten, they also provide deodorant and a journal and pencils.
In short, a comfort case is a huge mainstay for these children and helps when transitioning into a new home.
“Every child deserves dignity and comfort.”
At the moment, the organization is operating in Rob and Reece’s home state of Maryland but is also active in Virginia and Washington, DC. The couple would like to expand the territory of Comfort Cases, although more funding is required to do so.
With almost 430,000 children residing in foster care at any given day according to Children’s Rights, it’s clear that charities such as these deserve more attention.
In the interview, Ellen asked them a bit about their personal life and asked why they founded the nonprofit. As usual, Ellen had a surprise ready in store for them at the end of their chat.

Ellen presented the couple with a whopping $10,000 check for Comfort Cases, and it didn’t stop there. The Ellen Show partner Samsonite decided to throw in $40,000 worth of luggage cases as well.
An incredible gift that will surely improve the lives of many, many foster children. The reactions of Rob and Reece are a joy to see.
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