Acts of Kindness
Football players see woman dangling from cliff, try to rescue her before it’s too late
If they did it wrong, they could have broken her neck.
Maxim Sorokopud

The team members of the Dixie State University football team were taking part in an annual tradition when they rushed to someone’s aid.

The hike was a teambuilding exercise that the members of the Dixie State University football team took part in every year.

Facebook - Dixie State Athletics
Facebook - Dixie State Athletics

On that day, they would put their teamwork skills to the test like never before.

As the players were making their way up Sugarloaf Cliff, a distressed man ran up to them.

He was desperate for help and explained that his hiking partner had caught her hair in their cliff scaling equipment. She was now dangling above a huge drop.

The boys of the football team were all in agreement. They needed to get this woman back onto solid ground.

Twitter - Bills_kelly
Twitter - Bills_kelly

So they rushed to the cliff edge and saw the woman, who was in a lot of pain. She had been in this position for almost an hour.

The players assessed the situation and worked on a rescue plan. They had to get the woman up carefully, or her neck could be seriously damaged.

Twitter - LoniFangupo
Twitter - LoniFangupo

After a little communication, they worked something out. They decided to form two groups One would hoist her rope up carefully. The other went to the bottom of the cliff and prepared to catch the woman if she fell.

When everyone was in place, the team at the top of the cliff began carefully pulling up the rope.

Twitter - LoniFangupo
Twitter - LoniFangupo

For several tense minutes, the players pulled the rope, with each pull bringing the woman closer to safety.

Eventually, the woman was right next to the cliff edge. But the players didn’t want to rush.

Twitter - LoniFangupo
Twitter - LoniFangupo

They knew that if they weren’t careful, pulling her over the rocks could harm the woman.

A few team members went to the edge of the cliff and grabbed on to the woman. The men with the rope pulled.

Twitter - LoniFangupo
Twitter - LoniFangupo

Then, with a final tug, the woman was hoisted onto land.

She was dehydrated and needed some recovery time, but she looked like she would be ok.

Twitter - LoniFangupo
Twitter - LoniFangupo

After she had had some water, she had brightened up considerably. She thanked the football players for saving her life. She also joked that she would wear a hair tie next time.

Over the coming days, the woman made a complete recovery.

Twitter - LoniFangupo
Twitter - LoniFangupo

Hopefully, she learned her lesson and will be more cautious when rock climbing in the future.

The team’s coach, Hebron (Loni) Fangupo, was watching the entire rescue. When the woman was safe, he felt an immense surge of pride for his players. He had done his best to teach them to work together, and now he knew that that message had sunk in.

The coach was also filming the final few minutes of the rescue.

He posted the tense footage to his Twitter account. Within days, the footage had gained tens of thousands of views. It has also gained a range of comments, with people saying things like this:

Twitter - LoniFangupo
Twitter - LoniFangupo

Of course, this year, no one knows how much of a college football season there will be.

The Dixie State University team members may be playing very little, due to coronavirus. It’s a sad situation. But even if the football season is cut off, then these players already know that they can work as a team together and achieve great things.

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