Football players often get a bad rap. Jocks, meatheads, and other names are all leveled at them rather unfairly. Although many top-tier athletes are large individuals, that just means they have larger hearts!
In a video from several ago, we see a perfect example of what it means to have a big heart when a few football players rescued a baby from a trapped car.

Teresa Gall was loading her things into the car while at the same time watching her grandbaby.

Teresa was at her sister’s house picking up the child to take home. As any parent knows, getting all the loose odds and ends into the car after a day of babysitting can be a lot! Soon, it was all done. Teresa loaded the baby into the car, tossed the keys into the front seat, and turned around to give her sister a hug goodbye.
It was at this moment that disaster struck.

After briefly hugging her sister, Teresa turned to get into the car, only to realize that the door had closed. It had been mere seconds, but the realization of what had happened set in. By accident, Teresa had locked all four doors to the car with the baby inside in the sizzling heat of a Missouri day.
Scrambling to get the baby out, Teresa did everything she knew.

All four doors were locked, and no amount of yanking or pulling was going to work. Even worse, the heat had begun to take its toll on the small child left in the car. The sweltering heat had turned the car into an oven, and it only took two minutes before the baby started showing signs of heat exhaustion.
In only two minutes, the baby began vomiting and showing signs of severe heat exhaustion.

“Complications of heat exhaustion include nausea, vomiting, dehydration and muscle weakness. If the activity is not stopped and the person left in a hot environment, there can be progression of symptoms to heat stroke, a life-threatening emergency.” –
The grandma grabbed a hammer.
Beating on the windows with a hammer wasn’t working and the baby was getting worse and worse. As Teresa watched, the baby kept trying to go to sleep, one of the worst signs possible in a situation like this. Unfortunately, the women just weren’t strong enough to break the windows, even with a hammer.
Finally, a breakthrough happened.

A pair of football players from Missouri Western State University had decided to take a different path home that day and, by chance, happened to be driving by. Pulling over to check on the frantic women, Jack Long and Shane Simpson realized what was happening.

With a single swing, the football players shattered the window and unlocked the door.

The rescuers had shown up at the perfect time. After the chaos had died down and the baby had cooled off, Jack and Shane swung back by to check in and make sure everything was going well. Thanks abounded, and the family wanted to show their appreciation.
The boys took it well but said the only thanks they needed was for them to come to say hi at their next football game. As promised, everyone showed up, even the little guy whose life they saved.
Make sure you check out the video below to learn more about this unforgettable hero story!
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