No one likes getting bullied.
Unfortunately, this happens every single day all across the country.
Kids get picked on for all sorts of things, but one of the most common things is the way that they dress.

For one high school student, this was exactly the case.
His name is Michael Todd and he is a freshman at MLK College Preparatory School in Memphis, Tennesee.

Michael told reporters that he is no stranger to getting bullied.
In fact, he says that:
“I’ve been bullied my entire life.”

What Michael gets teased for is wearing the same clothes to school every day.
“I really don’t have clothes at home. My mom can’t buy clothes for me because I’m growing too fast,” he explained.
However, a few students at the school decided that they were sick of Michael getting bullied.
Kristopher Graham and Antwan Garrett, two football players at the high school, approached Michael with a gift.
They gave him some of the extra clothes that they had in their closet and even got him a new pair of shoes.

Kristopher admitted that he, himself, actually played a part in the bullying at first.
However, once he saw the effect that it had on Michael, he decided that he had to make things right.
He told reporters,
“When I saw people laugh and bully him, I felt like I needed to do something.”

So Kristopher went through his own closet and found a bunch of shirts and shorts that would probably fit Michael.
He texted Antwan and Antwan went through his closet as well.
The two of them gathered what they could and offered it to Michael.
Kristopher said,
“He wasn’t smiling or anything and I was like, ‘I think this is going to make you smile.’ I told him, ‘We’re in the same third period, and I apologize for laughing at you, and I want to give something to you to make it up.'”

And that’s exactly what he did.
Michael was super excited to have all of these new clothes.
He told Kristopher and Antwan, “You guys are the best guys of my entire life.”

The story has reached a wide audience and there have been people from out of state that said they want to send Michael some new clothes as well.
Kristopher and Antwan hope that this example of kindness will spread to other schools and send the message that we should be helping those that are in need.

It’s great to see this awesome example of how we should be treating each other.
If you know anyone that could use a hand, be sure to lend yours.
You never know when it will be you who needs a little help from somebody.
Thanks to two high school students, there is one less kid being bullied at school.
However, it doesn’t stop there.
If you know anyone who is getting bullied, be sure to stand up for them and try to put an end to it as soon as you can.
Check out the video below to watch this incredible story unfold!
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.