According to the National Fire Protection Association, there were over one million fires in the United States during the 2015 year.
As a result of these fires, there were 3,280 civilian deaths, 15,700 civilian injuries, and $14.3 billion in property damages.
Every single day, firefighters around the country selflessly risk their lives, saving people, property, and even pets. Without a second thought, these brave souls regularly rush into fiery horrors hoping to save the victims within.
On July 19th, 2017, when the Bakersfield Fire Department were called to the scene of a local fire, they likely assumed it would be business as usual. Little did they know, they would be giving an adorable, furry companion another lease on life.

When the firefighters arrived at the scene of the fire, they were quick to clear the premises.
As they wandered the fiery apartment, however, they came across the lifeless body of a white-haired dog named Jack, hidden behind the sofa.
By all accounts, the little pup appeared to be dead- but that wasn’t going to happen on the Bakersfield Fire Department’s watch!
In a video that has been uploaded to the Bakersfield Fire Department’s Facebook page, we see firefighter Matt Smith emerging from the burning home with a lifeless Jack in his arms.

As Matt gets to a safe place, he lays the dog down to see if it’ll stir.
The dog lays still despite the fireman’s gentle prodding, and we see the man pull out a specialized pet oxygen mask to be used on the tiny pup.
It had been donated to the fire department by the Girl Scouts only one year earlier.
The fireman places the oxygen mask on the dog’s face, gently rubbing his sides in an effort to incite breathing.

After a few seconds, the fireman’s efforts pay off, and we see little Jack rise, looking alert, and wagging his tail, although still panting heavily.
Everyone is thrilled!

Although Jack suffered burns to his feet and a few respiratory tract injuries, following a day at the vet’s he is good as new!
The Bakersfield Fire Department has since released a statement on Facebook, which reads, in part:
“BFD Firefighters carry many pets from burning buildings in a given year, and unfortunately, not all outcomes are as happy. But we truly do believe that all lives matter and protecting pets, livestock, and wildlife is definitely part of the broader BFD mission.”
The video of the Bakersfield firefighters saving Jack has been making its rounds on the internet and attracting attention.
Overall, people love the heroism and compassion displayed by the firefighters during the event:
Too often we are told that the lives of animals somehow matter less than our own.
A big thank-you goes out to the Bakersfield Fire Department for reminding us that is definitely not the case!
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