A car accident is one of the scariest things that can happen to anyone. Especially for a child, it can be more frightening, even if it’s not serious. But two firefighters are now going viral for their creative way of helping one little girl feel safe after being in a car crash.
Following a vehicle accident in Clearfield, Utah, on October 12, first responders rushed to the scene.
They tended to the victims although no one was seriously injured. But then they took note of one little girl. While she wasn’t hurt, she was shaken up. That was when a firefighter noticed she was holding onto a bottle of nail polish.
They knew she needed someone to reach out to her in a moment that was confusing and frightening.
Catching on to that small detail, Battalion Chief Allen Hadley and Capt. Kevin Lloyd had a great idea. They went up to the little girl and started chatting with her. They asked about the nail polish and if she wanted to spruce up their nails.
Of course, the little girl loved the idea.
She was happy to paint their nails purple. Immediately, that turned her focus away from the accident, putting her mind at ease.
“This is how amazing our firefighters are,” read a Facebook post by the North Davis Fire District. “Within minutes, the child was calmly paining [sic] their nails and had forgotten about the accident she had just experienced. Great job Chief Hadley and Captain Lloyd for providing awesome customer service to one of our young citizens.”
The picture showed Hadley and Lloyd smiling while showing off their purple fingernails.
It might not be their usual look, but it’s one that suits them well. That’s because it’s a testament to the love of the work they do.
The Facebook post went viral, sparking thousands of reactions and comments.
“I am sure their kindness in the moment will help this young girl to have less emotional trauma as she moves forward than she might otherwise have experienced!” said one commenter. “All of her life she will remember what they did to make this a better day for her!”
There’s no doubt it’s the little things that can make big differences.
The first responders changed her experience of the event from terrifying to comforting. For them, it was just a few moments of their time to let a little girl paint their fingernails. But for her, it was having two friends provide comfort by letting her do something she enjoyed.
“I have long had the utmost respect for first responders and firefighters but this is unparalleled,” said one online commenter. “Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity. May God bless you and those you love.”
The little girl’s technique might need some work.
Not only did these men end up with newly colored fingernails, but also purple fingers. But it didn’t matter. What did matter was they helped a little girl in her moment of need. After all, they say that being a first responder isn’t just about skill, but also compassion. The two men are perfect examples of both.
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