Man uses excavator against cops to stop sons arrest taking situation to the next level
I never imagined I'd see an insane arrest like this take place.
Jaclyn Abergas

How far would you go to save your son from being arrested?

This mother and father will do anything to prevent the police from taking their son to the point of getting into trouble with the law themselves.

Vermont state troopers had gone to the Tallman residence to arrest 24-year-old Brandon Tallman after an altercation with a neighbor.

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But his parents were not happy and were not about to let their son be harmed.

As the state troopers arrested Brandon and took him to their car, his parents rushed to stop them.

His mother tried to pull Brandon away from the trooper’s arms to take him back. And when the troopers tried to stop her, 48-year-old Amy Tallman started assaulting them.

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But Brandon’s father did something shocking.

He had his own excavator parked on their driveway and he used the bucket to scare off the state troopers. He swung the bucket at them several more times.

Although they did step away to avoid the bucket, this tactic did not scare the troopers away. In fact, it incited them even more to stop the father, 52-year-old Wayne Tallman.

One of the state troopers tried to stop Wayne while the other state trooper tried to subdue Amy while arresting Brandon.

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And because of his parents’ actions, the whole family is now facing legal charges.

Brandon Tallman has been charged with aggravated assault, burglary, unlawful mischief, and resisting arrest. His father has been charged with aggravated assault on protected officials, resisting arrest, impeding, and reckless endangerment.

Amy has been given a citation for impeding and will need to appear in court to defend herself.

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Thankfully, no one was physically hurt in the incident but the Tallman’s family action did hurt them legally after the incident.

It’s crazy to think that what the Tallmans did was going to help their son in some way. And the viewers agree.

“How could they possibly think this would help their son? They only made the situation way worse and put themselves in trouble. I see where the son gets his behavior from,” Frenite questioned.

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“The father is lucky he’s not dead or severely wounded. The trooper standing up with his firearm out when the bucket came down towards his partner showed incredible restraint,” Brian shared.

“The troopers didn’t fear for their lives? That was truly a life-threatening situation, but not one shot was fired. Kudos to them for not being afraid in such a harrowing situation in which they could have been killed or seriously wounded,” Meko’s Message said.

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According to the Vermont General Assembly, a person found guilty of an aggravated assault shall be imprisoned for not more than 15 years, or fined $10,000.00 or both.

And if they’re resisting arrest, they can be imprisoned for one to two years and fined $500 to $1,000 or both, depending on the number of their offenses.

If found and proven guilty, this family is looking at serious jail time or will be in serious debt.

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Watch the video below to see how the parents got the whole family in legal trouble.

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