Woman goes to pick up fuzz on floor of bedroom and finds 18 snakes tucked underneath her bed
I can't imagine EVER going back to sleep after that!
Colby Maxwell

We all have certain fears, some of them irrational! Whether it’s spiders, heights, or swimming, a real phobia can be debilitating. Often, phobias are developed from some traumatic event that imprints itself on your brain and is brought up every time you are in a similar situation. For one family, ophidiophobia may be the new household standard.


Ophidiophobia is the fear of snakes and one family may just be struggling with it for the rest of their life.


A family living in Augusta, Georgia was turning in for the night when they discovered something that most people would prefer never to be found in the first place – snakes under their bed.

Having a wild animal in the house feels wrong.


The wild is OUT THERE, not IN HERE! Well, that’s how we would like it to be. For an animal, warmth, food, and water means a new home, regardless of if you already occupy other parts of it. Animals rarely share the same qualms about living together with others that humans do.

When the family was heading to bed, they noticed a piece of fuzz on the floor.


Trush Wilcher was the woman who first spotted the squirmy intruder. She saw a piece of fuzz and the ground near the bed and when she went to pick it up, it moved away. H*** no.

A second later, another piece of “fuzz” moved.


Soon, Trish did the thing that made the most sense – she screamed SNAKE and hoped her husband came to help! After a quick count, they learned that there was a LOT more where those two came from. Seventeen, in fact, along with their mama.

The mama snake had literally just given birth and were having the time of their lives in the home.


Trish’s husband grabbed a tool and started moving them outside the home one by one. With how many there were, it took quite a few trips. The mama snake was just interested in having a cozy spot to lay her eggs and keep her babies safe.

Even after the removal, Trish was still concerned there were more.

As you could imagine, finding one snake in your house is enough to keep you up all night listening for scaly rustlings in your room. Finding 17 of them and knowing there could be more is enough to cause a full-blown emergency night at a hotel trip. Checking on Facebook, they were able to get someone at their house to check on things.

If you don’t want snakes in your home, make sure you keep things clean!


Snakes don’t want to attack humans, they just want the same things we do – warmth, food, and water. If you have their favorite food around (mostly mice and rats), you are basically putting up a big sign that says “vacancy”!

Who knows if the Wilcher family will ever get their sleep schedule back to normal!


Sleep medication will be an absolute must for the next few weeks (or maybe years)!

Check out the video below!

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