Costco employee finds Christmas list with ‘unique requests’ and looks for boy who made it
He was so touched by the boy's sweet wishes.
Jake Manning

The holiday season brings a time of wish lists and gift-giving.

As we grow older, our lists evolve – toys are replaced by gadgets, and sometimes, gadgets give way to gift cards.

But for kids, it’s simpler: they’re usually thrilled with the latest trends. However, one child’s Christmas list found at a Costco was anything but typical.

Pexels - Vlada Karpovich
Pexels - Vlada Karpovich

A Costco employee, while tidying the aisles, stumbled upon a crumpled piece of paper.

Expecting nothing out of the ordinary, he was intrigued by the childlike handwriting and decided to take a closer look.

Pexels - Steve Johnson
Pexels - Steve Johnson

What he found was a Christmas list, but not just any list.

It included usual items like shirts, Minecraft figures, a couple of Hot Wheels, a horror video game, a wallet, and a Gamestop gift card.

But two items on this list were extraordinarily unique and heartwarming.

YouTube Screenshot - CBS Los Angeles
YouTube Screenshot - CBS Los Angeles

The fourth item read, “Bringing peace and joy to the world,” and the seventh was simply, “Just love.”

These were not your average Christmas requests.

They were the kind of gifts that leave you in awe, reflecting on their profound simplicity and depth.

YouTube Screenshot - CBS Los Angeles
YouTube Screenshot - CBS Los Angeles

Costco employee Eric Barragan was deeply moved by the list.

He told CBS 2, “Most kids don’t ask for those things, and I thought that was pretty special.” Barragan felt a strong urge to fulfill this unique Christmas list.

YouTube Screenshot - CBS Los Angeles
YouTube Screenshot - CBS Los Angeles

Determined, Barragan purchased everything on the list.

He didn’t just buy two Hot Wheels — he bought a whole set, along with new shirts and a $15 gift card.

His goal was to make the holiday season unforgettable for this thoughtful child. However, he faced a significant challenge: he had no idea who the child was or where he lived.

YouTube Screenshot - CBS Los Angeles
YouTube Screenshot - CBS Los Angeles

Barragan turned to social media for help, armed with the name scribbled on the list.

Fortunately, someone recognized the name and connected him with a boy named Julian Huey, the author of the list who had lost it.

YouTube Screenshot - CBS Los Angeles
YouTube Screenshot - CBS Los Angeles

With the community’s assistance, Barragan was able to deliver all the gifts to Julian.

Julian’s family, reliant on a military pension and facing tough times, was incredibly grateful.

Michele Huey, Julian’s mother, expressed her astonishment and gratitude to CBS 2. Barragan didn’t stop at Julian; he also brought gifts and money for Julian’s siblings.

YouTube Screenshot - CBS Los Angeles
YouTube Screenshot - CBS Los Angeles

Despite receiving his Christmas wishes, Julian felt his list was incomplete.

He shared with the news outlet, “It’s still not everything that I wanted. All I want, mostly, my biggest thing is a big heart to love everyone and bring joy to the world.”

Perhaps, as Julian grows up, he’ll be the one spreading love and joy, just as he once wished for the world. He has such a big heart, and we’re sure he has a bright future ahead of him.

Check out the full sweet story in the video below!

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