Elephants are known to be the largest existing land mammals in the world. These magnificent creatures symbolize wisdom, loyalty, intelligence, and determination, to name a few. These sacred animals are even revered in several cultures and religions due to their profound nature.
Because of their unique and majestic physique, sadly, illegal hunters target elephants for their ivory tusks – making them vulnerable to becoming endangered species. This particular elephant was shot in the head by some poachers and he immediately approached a group of veterinarians to seek help.
These veterinarians attended the elephant without missing a beat and saved his life!

This elephant has a bullet lodged in his skull and approaches a group of veterinarians to call for help.
One of the most impressive traits of elephants is their intellect. They have sharp memories and incredible problem-solving skills. These vets in Zimbabwe were astonished when this massive African elephant walked up to them as if it was trying to say something.

As the elephant moves closer to them, they realized that he actually has an infected wound caused by a poacher’s bullet embedded in his head. What’s scary is that it is only centimeters away from being a guaranteed kill shot.

The poor gentle giant was in agonizing pain and the vets did not waste any second.
The veterinarians were hesitant at first and thought the elephant was being territorial but immediately realized he was just asking for help as soon as they saw the bullet. The elephant being able to differentiate the vets from poachers is just astounding.

The doctors took action in an instant and hurriedly checked the wounded creature. He was so fortunate to bump into them who happened to be fully equipped at the time and able to rescue him.
They started by getting the elephant sedated through injecting him with a tranquilizer and then proceeded to X-ray scanning of his head to assess the problem.

After scanning, the veterinarians saw the deformed bullet deeply rooted in the elephant’s skull and figured they needed to act fast and remove it.
The clock is ticking and time passing by puts the life of the elephant at greater risk, leaving the doctors with no other choice.

Without any second thoughts, the doctors decided to perform the operation on the spot.
The vets began the removal of the bullet right there and then to avoid adding trauma to the elephant and risking his life if they transport him to a facility just to do the surgery.

After the long procedure, they successfully managed to get rid of the bullet from the elephant’s head which saved his life. It took quite a while for the elephant to get back to his senses since he was heavily sedated. His saviors named him Pretty Boy and didn’t leave his side to ensure his safety.

Pretty Boy dozed off under a tree to recover and eventually took his leave, bullet-free and back on his feet once again.
Inside Edition shared the story on YouTube and the upload has since been viewed over 13.7 million times with 119k likes and almost 10k comments were left by viewers praising the veterinarians.
This story will definitely bring anyone to tears. If not for these heroes, we wouldn’t know what would happen to this adorable elephant. This clearly shows the wonderful connection between humans and animals and that people should respect these wild animals instead of hunting them down just for material desires. To witness this miraculous moment, watch the video below!
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