The internet isn’t always pleasant as it can be full of dark, negative things, but there are times when it shows its heartwarming side.
You may be having a tough day but a proven remedy for stress is a dose of love. And we’re talking love proven over the many decades.
The kind of love that beats all hardships and doesn’t shy away from sacrifice.

A video of an old man smiling then crying after he is shown his late wife’s animated picture is proof that love still exists, if only people are willing to work hard for it.
The YouTube video starts with a shot of the elderly man sitting in an armchair with a laptop positioned in front of him.
The camera then moves around and shows him looking at a now animated picture of his late wife Lola.

His face says it all as nostalgia takes over, and he says that he still loves her like before. All those years back when they first met.
Emotional, he exclaims, “She’s alive!”
He must be around 90 in this video, and the animated black-and-white picture of his wife, who, thanks to the app Deep Nostalgia, smiles, nods, blinks, and tilts her head as if she were alive.

Amazing what technology can do.
“Oh my god, holy smokes” was the old gentleman’s initial reaction upon seeing his wife again after years.
He just couldn’t believe that his deceased wife was in front of him, smiling lovingly as she had done their whole lives together.
Are you crying yet?

He starts dabbing his eyes, then the elderly man says they would have been married for more than 75 years if she was still around.
The wife had passed, but he still loves her.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is true love. No one is chopping onions by the way.
75 years. Couples today barely last 75 months, and that’s being kind!

Perhaps this is further proof that the old ways are still better, as compared to today where people and things seem to be disposable.
“It’s like she’s here.” is a line that hurts, but the woman with him says it all for his heart.
And how he wishes his Lola was still here with him.
Somebody please give him a hug.

If you are so lucky to have your grandparents around, go give them hugs as well.
Time is short, life is unpredictable, but love is constant.
And free!

As expected, the viewers got emotional themselves.
One said, “The fact that he cried made me and a ton of people cry.”
While another viewer nailed it by commenting, “When love was something you worked hard for.”

So if you happen to be blessed with a wonderful partner, cherish every moment you have together.
Laugh and cry, go on dates, solve those problems, and always forgive.
At the end of the day, love always wins.
Be sure to have tissues with you before hitting play below!
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