We’ve all heard stories of delivery drivers not taking special care to the packages they are responsible for delivering, but here’s a delivery driver that takes it to the next level. It was all caught on surveillance video and without the footage to prove the driver’s actions it would be difficult to believe someone would actually do something like this with a package.

The driver is seen pulling up to the house and exiting his vehicle with a package. But instead of delivering to the door, he curiously places it under the passenger back tire. The footage then records him walking up to the house and back to the delivery van again.
But it was his next actions that really got the neighbor’s attention that just happened to be looking out the window. The driver then backs over the package and then drives up over it again several times. It seems quite obvious from the footage that it was a deliberate action and not merely done on accident.

But he’s still not done.
As if driving over the package with a delivery van wasn’t enough the driver pulls forward, turns around in the street, crosses the center line and drives over the package yet another time. The package was found in front of George Poretta’s house who said,
I picked it up and saw that it was not addressed to me or anybody that I knew.

George was curious what had taken place while he was gone so asked his next door neighbor for the security footage. After watching the footage George said,
I couldn’t believe it. Who would ever think that would happen? But the real shocking thing was when he went around and down the block and came back to intentionally veer on the wrong side of the road to run over it another time.

The footage has reached Amazon and they have reported the driver is no longer delivering packages for the company. George summed it up perfectly saying,
That is the just and right result.
One can only wonder why the delivery driver would behave in such a manner. Commenters on the video have offered some ideas suggesting perhaps he saw a spider or cockroach. Another commenter said,
That had to be his ex’s package.

Whatever the case, whatever was in that package most certainly was damaged and one can only wonder why the driver behaved in such a manner. You would think he would realize in this day and age there is always someone around with a camera or in this case a home with a surveillance camera that caught his actions on tape.
It is reported that 87 billion parcels were shipped worldwide in 2018 alone. And with people shopping online more and more it’s safe to say the business is booming. There has been a 104 percent increase in this number since 2014.

In the case of this driver, perhaps the sheer volume of each day’s deliveries got to him and he lashed out in his own way that he’d had enough. No report as of yet has been given for him to explain his actions, but the video speaks for itself that you just never know the trauma your package may have gone through before reaching the front door of your home.
Watch the delivery driver’s unbelievable actions below.
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