We should never underestimate what kids can do.

They may be young and small, but they can do great things, too. From the power of their laughs and hugs to their little heroics that we never thought they could achieve – including saving lives.
This sixth-grader from Muskogee, Oklahoma, saved two lives in one day.

Davyon Johnson is only 11 years old, but don’t be fooled by his age. This young man saved two lives, in two separate instances, in one day.
He saved one of his classmates from choking.

The said classmate tried to open a plastic water bottle with his mouth since he couldn’t open it with his hands. By the time he unscrewed the cap, it had gone straight into his mouth down to his throat and choked him.
Davyon heard of the commotion from the other classroom and ran to help.

Luckily, he knew exactly what to do in that situation. He immediately did the Heimlich Maneuver, the best action to take when someone is choking. Thanks to his quick thinking and knowledge of basic first aid, he saved his classmate’s life.
But his heroics didn’t end there. He saved another life on his way home.

That very same day, he and his mom came across a house fire along their way home. He found this disabled woman in a walker trying to escape a burning house. Davyon thought she wasn’t moving fast enough to escape the fire. So, he asked his mother to turn around to help her walk to safety.
And guess where this young hero learned all those life-saving moves.
He did it by watching YouTube.

It’s amazing how there are so many videos on YouTube that kids might prefer to watch, but Davyon prefers to watch first aid videos and learn how to do them. Apparently, this young hero wants to become an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) – and as we can see, he’s definitely on the right path.
Muskogee awarded this young man the recognition he deserved.
He was named a hero and was awarded as an honorary officer by the Muskogee Police Department and an honorary deputy by the Muskogee County Sheriff’s Office. Muskogee Public Schools recognized him as a “double hero” as well.
He was also recognized during one of Oklahoma City Thunder’s games.

During the break, he was given recognition and a special OKC Thunder jersey. He and his family watched the game live (and with the best seats!). Plus, he got his jersey signed by the players. But his favorite part? Being able to shout, “Let’s go, Thunder!”
Davyon said he did all these because of his father.

He lost his father to COVID in August 2021, and we can imagine how difficult it must be for him. Yet, there he was, saving others. He told Today with Hoda & Jenna that he heard his father’s voice telling him to save them, so he did. He considered his father his hero, and he wanted to be the same to someone else.
Congratulations Dayvon on showing so much kindness and bravery at such a young age.
Learn more about this 11-year-old “double hero” in the video below.
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