Not everyone is cut from a hero’s cloth.
But some people use the adrenaline that a life-threatening situation brings to spring into action and do what’s necessary.
Would you be able to keep a cool head and save someone whose life was in need?
That’s a question that this young lady from, Fairhaven, Massachusetts, can now answer with certainty. Her answer is yes.
Her name is Sophia Furtado.
This past February, she encountered a woman unconscious and bleeding from her head while on a routine delivery during her DoorDash shift.

A late-night pizza
It was a Friday night, when Caryn Sullivan and her husband, Robert, decided to order a light night pizza.
Being around a 10:00 PM delivery time, Robert dozed off while Caryn waited for the pizza.
Then she took a spill.
While outside Caryn’s leg and arm gave out, causing her to fall and hit her head. Luckily, that’s when Sophia walked up with their delivery.
Upon walking up, Sophia saw Caryn lying in a pool of her own blood, unconscious, and still bleeding from the head.
It just so happened that Sophia had previous training as an Emergency Medical Technician, so she sprung into action.
Sophia took all the right steps.
The quick-witted DoorDasher immediately dialed 911 and ran to alert Robert about his wife’s condition while listing of supplies she’d need to help her.

Tending the wound
Sophia wrapped Caryn in a blanket and applied pressure to her bleeding head wound
Sophia could tell that Caryn had been there for around 15-20 minutes by the way the blood was congealing, and she wasn’t sure if her customer would make it.
In an interview with CNN, Sophia explained:

“Caryn was unresponsive, and her eyes kept rolling to the back of her head, I felt like I was going to lose her.”
Sophia refused to leave Caryn’s side.
One officer described that she became “part of our team”.
When the Fairhaven Police began arriving, Sophia made it crystal clear that she wasn’t going anywhere until Caryn was safe, secure, and on her way to the hospital.
In a Facebook post from the Fairhaven police they described just how dedicated Sophia was to seeing Caryn to safety:
“When Officers arrived, Sophia became a part of our team. She made it clear she wasn’t going anywhere. She helped Officers apply a trauma dressing and streamlined information gathering. She stayed on scene with us until medics arrived and assisted medics until transport.”
Caryn was taken to the hospital.
She was determined to have severe brain bleeding and doctors were adamant that without Sophia she wouldn’t have made it
After being rushed into emergency surgery for brain bleeding, Caryn spent three weeks in the hospital before coming home.
Her abilities are still limited, but she’s just thankful that this guardian angel was there to save her.
The Fairhaven PD honored Sophia with the Life-Saving Award, and DoorDash CEO, Tony Xu, gifted her with something as well.
He gave her a recorded heartfelt ‘Thank You’ as well as gifted the brave young lady with $1,000 for EMT school!
To see more on this story, just watch the video below!
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