Acts of Kindness
Woman gets doorbell alert showing man she doesn’t know “escorting” 92-year-old grandma home
Stories like this highlight just how helpful technology like doorbell cameras can be.
Jessica Adler

Dementia is a progressive neurological disorder that affects the brain and impairs cognitive functions such as memory, thinking, and reasoning.

Things aren’t as easy as before for someone with dementia, let alone for their family.

Taking good care of a beloved family member with dementia could be nerve-wracking.

There will also be times when a person with dementia accidentally puts their life at risk, especially if they go wandering around unattended.

That’s what happened here.

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YouTube - Ring

Gigi, a 92-year-old woman with advanced dementia, found herself lost one day after wandering away from her home in Franklin Park, New Jersey.

This posed significant risks for someone with her condition, as being alone in public could lead to accidents or harm.

However, Gigi had a stroke of luck when an Amazon driver named Wilmar happened to be in the area and noticed her.

Gigi wasn’t alone.

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YouTube - Ring

Wilmar quickly recognized the situation and stopped to assist Gigi.

He promptly contacted her granddaughter, Karen, who had been away picking up Gigi’s mother from the doctor’s office.

Upon hearing the news, Karen immediately provided her address to Wilmar.

Wilmar is a capeless hero.

Going above and beyond his duties, the compassionate Amazon driver ensured that Gigi made it safely back to her house.

Karen had the opportunity to witness the heartwarming scene through her doorbell camera.

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YouTube - Ring

She watched Wilmar helping Gigi out of the vehicle and guiding her towards the front door, holding her hand.

In an interview with Ring, Wilmar shared his perspective, saying, “I was delivering, and I saw this older lady walking by. She waved at me, which isn’t an odd occurrence; people wave at you all the time as an Amazon driver. But she was waving at me like something happened. I noticed how she had this wristband on. And it had her name and her information, as well as who to contact.”

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YouTube - Ring

Karen expressed deep gratitude for Wilmar’s actions and recognized that he went above and beyond to ensure Gigi’s safety. She also highlighted the strong sense of community in their neighborhood, where drivers like Wilmar are dedicated to taking care of their customers and promptly addressing any unusual circumstances.

Not your typical “Karen”

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YouTube - Ring

Karen faces additional challenges.

She cares not only for Gigi but also for her father, who is also affected by dementia.

To aid in monitoring her loved ones and ensure their safety, Karen has invested in various gadgets for her home.

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YouTube - Ring

The appreciation for Wilmar’s compassionate act extended beyond Gigi’s family.

People on the internet expressed their gratitude for his actions as they started to consider him a hero.

He is certainly an “earth angel”.

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YouTube - Ring

Wilmar’s heartwarming actions can be witnessed in a video that now has over 900,000 views.

It truly showcases his dedication to helping others.

In fact, one viewer couldn’t agree more and wrote in the comments, “I love how he picked her up out of the truck and placed her on the ground so gently with such care and then held her hand right on up to the door like it was his own grandmother he was taken care of God bless his kind heart.”

YouTube - Ring
YouTube - Ring

He truly exemplifies the kindness and compassion that can make a significant difference in someone’s life.

See the precious moment Wilmar returns Gigi to the safety of home in the video below!

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