Just because something is a little harder to love doesn’t mean it isn’t deserving of it, and that especially goes for this wheelchair bound dog named Bandit.
Bandit was part of The Gwinnett Jail Dogs program that allows inmates to foster dogs until they find their forever homes. The program has proved to beneficial for the inmates, keeping their spirits high, and for the dogs, who don’t have to go back to small cages at a shelter and get to spend time playing and learning how to be around people. Certain inmates act as the foster parents until each dog gets adopted.

Bandit was a special case since he had a disability. Thanks to a complication with a heart worm medication, the pup was left without the use of his back legs. Now, Bandit gets around in style using his doggie wheelchair that allows him to move like a normal dog. However, his wheelchair and his health issue requires a little more love and attention then most people wanting to adopt him realized. Over 6 years, Bandit had a number of failed adoption attempts.
Though this seems unfortunate, the inmates were always happy to see him when he returned to the program. His handlers didn’t seem to mind that he was returned, they seemed to like having him around. They’ll admit there is a little sadness when a family didn’t work out for him, but one of his handlers admitted to being elated Bandit got to come back to the jail.

Finally one day the perfect couple came in looking to adopt a dog. Darryl and Sue Rider came in and thought long and hard a before taking Bandit home. They didn’t want to be another family that failed to give him the love and attention he so deserved. Eventually they figured it would be the perfect match thanks to the special bond Bandit shared with Darryl.

Darryl is also wheelchair bound and suffers from paralysis from the waist down. “If you look at Bandit, he’s me. If you look at his paralysis, waist down, same thing I have.” Darryl said.

The day that Bandit left with his forever family was bittersweet. In a Facebook post some of the pup’s handlers had this to say: “Bandit has done ‘his time’ and has reformed many of us that have been fortunate to be in his presence. He has made believers out of the non-believers that thought a wheelchair bound dog wouldn’t make a good pet. He has persistence and perseverance when it comes to learning new things and can adapt and overcome when it comes to finding someone with a treat!”

Sharing similar stories and having been through the smae things, Bandit and Darryl are the perfect match. It’s safe to say that Bandit won’t be returning to the jail anytime soon, but hopefully he pays a visit to his former inmate handlers.
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