Acts of Kindness
Deaf Baby Gets Hearing Aid, Hears Mom Say 'I Love You' For 1st Time And Melts Hearts Of Millions
I could watch this all day <3
Ryan Aliapoulios

Science has come a long way in our lifetimes.

Though giving birth is always inherently risky for both mother and child, modern medicine has come a long way towards helping keep us safe and healthy. Perhaps even more impressive is that medicine has found ways to improve our lives as well—even reversing certain birth defects or genetic issues whenever possible.

That was the case in a video that is spreading around the internet like wildfire.

The clip was uploaded to YouTube by new mother Christy Keane.

Although the birth of her daughter Charlotte had gone relatively smoothly, she was born with a complication: she was deaf. As a result, little Charlotte had never heard her mother’s voice before. Fortunately, Keane had her daughter outfitted with cochlear implants to help her hear.

Before they did this for the first time, Keane made sure she had the camera running.

After a few moments, Keane carefully attached the implant to her daughter’s ear and turned it on.

Once the device is on, Keane turns baby Charlotte towards her and gives a greeting. “Hello!” she says. After a moment, a slow smile starts to creep over Charlotte’s face—something is definitely happening here that the little baby doesn’t recognize. Still, it’s clearly making her pretty happy! “Hello!” mom says again.

What happens next is likely to move anyone to tears.

YouTube Screenshot
YouTube Screenshot

Upon realizing that she is now hearing her mother’s voice, Charlotte starts to pout.

As it appears form the video, the little girl is so moved by hearing her mother’s voice that it stirs an emotion inside her. “I’ve never seen that face before,” Keane says in the clip. “Are you emotional? You’re gonna make me cry.” Still, whatever feelings little Charlotte is feeling, it only results in a few baby tears.

At the end of the clip, Keane fulfilled a long parenting dream.

Although she and her family were more than willing to accept their daughter however she was, she was sad that her daughter would never hear her explain how much she cared about her. At the end of the clip, she finally gets a chance. “I love you,” she says as she wipes away Charlotte’s little tears.

We dare anyone to watch this video and still be dry-eyed at the end!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

CHARLY HEARS FOR THE FIRST TIME AND HEARS ME SAY I LOVE YOU FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (Watch til the end)And she’s holding back happy tears and emotional as her mama. ??? We had our miracle moment that I have been praying for when Char got her hearing aids today. We didn’t think she would hear anything so this was more incredible than I can put in to words. Her journey to implants and language development is off to an amazing start! #charlyshearingjourney #hearingaids #profoundhearingloss #deaf #babyhearsforthefirsttime #firsttimehearing #cochlear #2monthsold * Jukin Media Verified * Find this video and others like it by visiting For licensing / permission to use, please email licensing(at)jukinmedia(dot)com.

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