If you were told to sing one line from a famous ABBA song, chances are it would be the iconic lyrics to Dancing Queen.
“Yoooou can dance. Yooou can jive. HAving the time of your liiife…”
The truth in those lyrics is a truly beautiful thing. Life isn’t always kind, and it isn’t always fun, either. The good news is that you can turn those moments around and choose to dance and jive right where you are.
Even on your daily commute.

“Ooh see that girl. Watch that scene. Digging the dancing queen.”
This video is all about doing just that. Folks, we are about to witness a real-life dancing queen right here.
The video is genuine, humorous, and downright entertaining.
Nothing can take our minds off the craziness of the past couple of years quite like a video of a woman dancing alone in public.

Here we are in the English town of Eastleigh.
Set at a local bus stop, we get our first glimpses of our dancing queen in action, and oh boy does she have moves.
The woman recording the video is set across the street.
Our dancing queen has no idea she is being recorded, and surely no idea that she’s about to go viral.

You’re in the mood for a dance. And when you get the chance.
You are the dancing queen.
Spending over two glorious minutes bopping to her own beat, nothing is going to get her down.
With a mixture of hip sways, head bops, and a mean right cross, she’s footloose and fancy-free, literally.
And with no regard for the opinions of those around her, she is truly living each day to its fullest.

Leave em’ burning and then you’re gone.
She does a little finger flare to the rhythm.
You wouldn’t know it, but she’s really into the music.

Like all things, her wait at the bus stop eventually comes to an end.
The solid blue bus pulls up.
And then?

The bus pulls away.
Our dancing queen is gone.
For the other passengers’ sake, we sure hope she continued her dancing on the bus. She has some serious rhythm.

The Dancing Queen of the Bus Stop is everything that we aspire to be.
She’s fun, groovy, and simply uncaring of what anyone thinks.
If I were to see this woman dancing in the early morning hours, my morning commute would become instantly better. Or shall I even say bearable?

It turns out that our dancing queen wasn’t actually listening to ABBA.
Rather to Alesha Dixon’s “Knockdown.” We sure are glad the world hasn’t knocked her down. Pun intended.
You may be asking yourself, “who exactly is this dancing queen?” Well, folks, Ellie Cole is the woman in the video.
As a British citizen with a background in the performing arts, this video helped to land her a professional role in London’s AH Men musical.
Cole was also invited on a special episode of The Today Show.
It seems that strangers randomly filming you in public may not be all bad. With over 3 million hits on one YouTube video alone, this dancing queen has surely taken the world by storm.

People are in love and it’s easy to see why. Watching her dance so carefree right there at the bus stop is one of the most uplifting sights to see online. She has mastered the art of dancing like no one is watching, and we adore her for it.
Ellie Cole is truly living out her best life each and every day. Her confidence is truly admirable.
Watch and be inspired by Ellie’s slick moves in the video below!
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