Daddy-daughter duo bring down the house with Stevie Wonder routine
These two just made my day!
Haley Bean

Quarantine has been driving a lot of people stir-crazy. Being stuck at home has forced people to take up new hobbies and be responsible for entertaining themselves day after a boring day.

Tik Tok has become a popular source of entertainment for most, the best part being if you don’t want to participate in the cheesy dances, you can simply scroll through and watch everyone else make a fool of themselves.

The show begins

The only downside to this social media craze is that whole families are getting involved, and everyone knows that once your parents join in, kids cover their faces. This time, however, a girl’s dad nailed his performance to a popular Stevie Wonder song.

The song she starts singing is called “Faith” by Stevie Wonder and featuring Ariana Grande. If you’re wondering why you may have never heard this song, it’s probably because it’s not one of Stevie’s classics. It’s from the kid’s movie Sing!

You start out thinking that the video is just going to be the girl dancing, but then the typical dad seems to photobomb it.

He seems like he’s just passing by when he decides to see what his daughter is up to.

The dad gets into the song a little bit as his daughter really starts to get down to the song. In typical dad fashion, he bops his head to it. He moves his body a bit to the music. He sings along a little. And then he steps forward.

Best moves ever

He perfectly lip-syncs to Ariana Grande’s part. And he doesn’t hold back. He goes all out, dance moves and all. Most kids would get embarrassed if their parents ever did this, but this was the plan this whole time. You can tell by her energy that she loves having her dad beside her for this.

Not only do these two have infections smiles and positivity that the world needs right now, but the song is also perfect as well. The song is about having faith in one another and lifting people up, which everyone could use right now.

On top of that, the dad’s shirt even says #LoveLouder.

These two are by no means professional dancers, but everyone could learn a lesson from them. Sometimes you have to cut loose and dance like no one is watching- you would be amazed at how good it feels, and can even boost your mental health. So next time your favorite song comes on, don’t think about what you look like, start shaking it, and have a little faith that things will get better.

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