He is known as Designer Daddy. His name is Nephi Garcia. This Filipino father of three has hands that work magic for young girls. If you know all of the classic Disney films, then you will recognize his work. Nephi draws then creates the dresses worn by the Disney princesses and lets his daughters fulfill their fantasies by being those characters.
What can your dad do?
He was born and raised in the Philippines. His interest in Disney began with the classic Beauty and the Beast which his father brought home one time for one of those family movie nights. Nephi’s knack for sewing started when he would watch his grandmother sew. He would pick up the scraps and started making little pieces from scratch.
Nephi’s parents weren’t supportive at first, wanting him to pursue any career except in fashion so they could become more financially stable. Little did mom and dad know that there was Disney magic in that little boy’s hands.
He says,
“Like Rapunzel, I was trapped in a little small town filled with people who didn’t believe in me.”
It was his sister who supported him at first then his future wife who also encouraged him to push through with his dreams. He quit his job which affected the family financially but then magical things began to take shape. Happy thoughts and pixie dust!
He’s even got his own Peter Pan outfit!
His wife and kids love his work. That classic golden gown that Belle wore? Yup, he’s made one. From couture fashion to costumes, he says he didn’t think he’d be so in to cosplay but his work speaks for itself. His family helps with the designs too!
From Snow White’s dress, to Aurora’s gown, you bet he’s done it. This cool dad even made Cinderella’s and Pocahontas’! Fairy Godmother step aside!
He describes his designs in three words. Whimsical. Magical. Elegant. How Disney is that?
When people began to take notice of Nephi’s work, they asked if he had his creations on social media. He didn’t. Nephi rushed to create Designer Daddy where all of his stunning creations can be found. And they’re not just Disney pieces. He can create custom and tailor made costumes for people but they come with a price.
Is that Alice in Wonderland?
Art and magic don’t come cheap.
Nephi’s favorite is Rapunzel. According to the maestro, he and Rapunzel have many similarities. They were both trapped in a way, having to make use of what was around them to be creative all so they could express themselves. Rapunzel in a tower, Nephi in a small town where people didn’t believe in him.
His way out was a transformation dress.
It took him three days to figure it out but once he did, it worked so well that it took the internet by storm. It was Belle’s blue town dress which would transform into the classic golden gown she wore for dinner with the Beast.
It took off from there. Orders started pouring in for Disney inspired gowns. And just like his inspiration, his life has turned around all because he believed. Nephi chased his dream with the support of his wife and kids. He believes in happily ever after. You should too.
It’s a story out of a Disney movie. See Nephi’s stunning creations below!
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Source: YouTube, goodnewspilipinas, Designer Daddy