Though the animal kingdom has been vastly explored, they never cease to inspire us.
Their habitats have been examined and their behaviors studied. We know everything about them it seems, from what they eat to how they mate.
Even with all our collective knowledge, they still manage to take us by surprise.

Take this crow and hedgehog for example.

It would be easy to assume that the animal kingdom is one of independent survival.
That, outside of their own pack or family unit, every animal is somewhat on its own in terms of staying alive.

This may be the case for most animals, but not for a certain crow.
In the video below, you can watch as a crow helps a little hedgehog move to the side of the road and out of danger. The video is being filmed from inside of a car.
A driver slows to a stop as he spots an unlikely pair in the middle of the road.

The anxious hedgehog tucks himself into a ball as the crow gives him a little nudge.
The crow sees the car coming and tries to usher the hedgehog off of the road with a few pokes from its beak.

The driver can’t help but observe the two animals’ unique interaction.
The crow is able to get the hedgehog to unroll from its protective ball and move about halfway across the second lane of the road.

But then the hedgehog gets nervous again.
It immediately rolls up into a ball and tries to hide.

The crow knows that the hedgehog can’t stay there, and again tries to coax it with its beak.
The hedgehog seems to understand what the crow is trying to do and unrolls itself once again.
It scoots a bit further out of the road but is unwilling to go the entire way, not fully grasping the danger that it is in by staying there.

The crow continues its efforts and doesn’t give up on the poor, scared hedgehog.
It keeps poking it with its beak until the hedgehog reaches the edge of the street.
Meanwhile, the person filing the video has stopped their car in the middle of the road and is watching and filming this rescue mission take place.

Unfortunately for the hedgehog, there is a curb on the edge of the street.
The hedgehog is pretty small and the curb is a bit too tall for it to climb over.
With a little effort, it could probably scamper over the top, but right now it seems far too scared to try. It decides to curl up in a ball at the edge of the curb instead.

Although the crow would like to see it get over the curb and completely out of the road, it seems satisfied with the hedgehog’s location.
It is much safer on the edge of the road than sitting right in the middle of it.
The crow seems to accept that it has done all that it can do to help and leaves the hedgehog where it is.
The video ends there, and with any luck, that hedgehog will climb over the edge of the curb and into the safety of the trees beyond the road.

See the moment this crow decides to take on an interspecies rescue mission below!
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