Man freaks out after spotting familiar face in girlfriend’s preschool photo
Evan laughed at first seeing his adorable girlfriend in the school photo. Then he noticed a very strange detail.
Jenny Brown

When you fall in love with a person, it’s common to think you were made for each other. Yet, there are some couples who seem so destined to be together – it’s kind of freaky.

Evan Ayers and his wife Brytin have a really crazy story that’s captured the internet’s attention. In fact, they even have an old photo to prove it.

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Imgur - evanaka1234

The photo was from Brytin’s preschool class.

It all started when the couple (who were dating at the time) was in search of a rice cooker. Here’s what happened according to Evan, who titled his Imgur post: “My girlfriend is an Imp creature.”

“While searching for a rice cooker my GF and I came upon this picture from her preschool. I started busting out laughing because I recognized her instantly. Some say she wasn’t quite human.”

She had the cutest little face and quirky little smile, but there was something else that caught Evan’s eye.

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Imgur - evanaka1234

There was another familiar face in the photo.

He went on to explain something that’s really pretty incredible. Turns out, they’d met each other before.

“Then I realized something very odd about the picture,” he shared. “Something was a little too familiar. HOLY CRAP THAT WAS ME!”

There in the class photo was a miniature Evan dressed in a striped shirt. And another weird part is that they were sitting right next to each other!

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Imgur - evanaka1234

The universe has quite the sense of humor.

Though the two had grown up several cities apart but were to reconnect more than a decade later and later married after the pictures were posted on Imgur, according to InspireMore.

“We group up a long ways away from each other, a few cities apart at least but it turned out that we somehow had gone to the same preschool,” he says.

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Imgur - evanaka1234

After finding the photo, he decided to make a phone call.

Evan was pretty weirded out by the whole coincidence so he did what most people do in that situation… he called his mom.

“I freaked out and called my mom ( what else would you do in a situation like that) and sure enough she confirmed that it was me,” he wrote. “We had both attended this same preschool when we were like 3-years-old. Mildly interesting to say the least.”

Pixabay - Thaliesin
Pixabay - Thaliesin

Mildly… that is the understatement of the year. The two looked cute next to each other back then, and years later too.

People on Imgur were taken aback by this story which ended up going viral.

“People say it’s a small world, and normally I don’t believe it; in this case, I’ll make an exception – that’s crazy awesome stuff, OP,” one imgur user said.

Another wrote:

“Oh you guys are too cute! Obviously very young though. Be excellent to each other. It seems this may be fate,” said another.

Pixabay - Anna_Sunny
Pixabay - Anna_Sunny

They’re not the only couple who realized they’d crossed paths before. Watch the video below to find out about another fascinating story!

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