Couple finds out ‘electrical box’ in yard is actually a safe full of treasures
When they opened the old metal box, they were knocked for a loop.
Patricia Lynn

The allure of discovering hidden riches has been the stuff of legends, immortalized in films, literature, and countless childhood fantasies.

For Matthew and Maria Colonna-Emanuel, this fantasy turned into a jaw-dropping reality when they stumbled upon a treasure trove right in their backyard, valued at thousands of dollars.

“You dream as a kid that you find a buried treasure. It happened, it was unbelievable!” Matthew told CBS New York.

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YouTube - CBS New York

The story begins when the couple moved to their new residence in Staten Island, New York.

For years, a rusty box lay concealed amidst the trees in their backyard.

They had always dismissed it as a mere electrical box, especially as it was obscured by foliage.

It wasn’t until the deer had feasted on the surrounding greenery, making the box more noticeable, that the couple’s curiosity was piqued.

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YouTube - CBS New York

Things took a turn when they decided to revamp their backyard.

They hired Bamboo Bob, a landscaping expert, who unearthed the mysterious box.

“I genuinely believed it was just an electrical box,” Matthew recalls.

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YouTube - CBS New York

To their astonishment, it wasn’t an electrical box at all.

The rusty container they had ignored for years turned out to be a safe, and not just any safe.

When they finally opened it, they were greeted with the kind of treasures most only dream of.

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YouTube - CBS New York

They couldn’t believe their eyes.

“…there are all these bags with hundreds and jewelry, diamonds, engagement rings, dozens of rings, gold with jade,” Matthew said.

“It was stunning.” Matthew reminisces with a sense of wonder.

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YouTube - CBS New York

The value of the contents? Over $50,000!

But that wasn’t the end of the surprises.

Tucked inside the safe was a piece of paper bearing an address.

Intrigued, the couple decided to investigate further.

The address led them to a house in their neighborhood.

They then approached the residents with a straightforward question: “Have you ever been a victim of a robbery?”

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YouTube - CBS New York

The New York Police Department records confirmed the couple’s suspicions.

A burglary had indeed taken place at that address in 2011, and a safe worth approximately $52,000 had been reported stolen.

The Emanuels had inadvertently discovered a stolen treasure.

Recounting the moment they informed the original owners, Matthew says,

“The owner was visibly shaken. They had been told by the police that they would probably never see their belongings again.”

Unsplash - Matt Popovich
Unsplash - Matt Popovich

Without hesitation, Matthew and Maria returned the safe and its contents to the rightful owners.

“The decision was a no-brainer. It wasn’t our property,” Maria asserts.

The owners were overwhelmed with gratitude, and many were amazed by the Emanuels’ integrity.

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YouTube - CBS New York

As a token of this unforgettable adventure, the Emanuels have placed an elephant sculpture in the exact spot where the safe was hidden.

This emblem serves as a daily reminder of their incredible find and their decision to do the right thing.

They firmly believe in the principle of karma and are confident that their good deed will come back to them manifold.

And truly, Matthew and Maria deserve all the good fortune that life has to offer.

Isn’t this an incredible story? Watch the video below to see an interview with the astonished couple!

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