Acts of Kindness
Couple Bathing Suit Photo Goes Viral
This woman's post has a powerful message about self-confidence
D.G. Sciortino

Curves, rolls, stretch marks… Jasmine “Jazzy” Owens loves it all even though it took her a while to fall in love her body. Her husband of six years, Keenan Owens, has always loved her body even though his body is different from hers.

Jasmine recently posted a photo of them at the beach in their bathing suits holding hands.

That post has now gone viral and is spreading a message of body positivity and giving women of all body shapes a boost of confidence just in time for bathing suit season.


“Never do I think I have to explain myself to anyone but I just have to say this man stole my heart 14 years ago and still today he loves me!!” Jasmine wrote on Instagram. “ALL OF ME!!! Now that I truly love myself I can enjoy life with my amazing husband and kids!”

But her journey to self-love didn’t happen overnight.

Jasmine explains that she struggled for years to accept her own body since her husband was “born fit” and she was not. Keenan basically doesn’t have an ounce of fat on his body and looks like a Ken doll.

You could do your laundry on this guy’s abs.


“Over the years this man has loved every curve, every roll, and every stretch mark on my body. I never understood why!,” she wrote. “How could he love something that isn’t ‘perfect’? How could a man who was ‘born fit’ love someone like me!”

Jasmine told the Huffington Post that for many years she let her negative body image prevent her from enjoying life with her family because she wanted to “hide from the world.”

She tried diets, supplements, and, at one time, even considered surgery.


One day she got fed up with it and decided to make a change.

“As one of my [Instagram] posts said, I stood in the mirror and truly looked at myself. Before I couldn’t even stand to see myself, so to be able to get naked and stand in front of the mirror and just look at my body was a huge first step for me,” she tells Huffington Post. “Since then, I have made steps such as buying my first two-piece bathing suit, wearing it to the pool and to the beach and learning to stop judging myself.”

There, of course, were the haters who made negative comments on Jasmine’s post, but she just ignored them.

“I don’t have a flat stomach, I jiggle when I walk, hell if I run up the stairs to fast my body claps (lmao)!!” she writes. “But now I see I do have the “perfect” body!! Every roll, every curve and every stretch mark is put on me just perfect to make both of us happy!!! I love my body and I finally see why he does too!!”


Her post has gotten more than 82,000 likes and more than 3,000 comments, most of them positive. The couple’s bathing suit photo is even helping other women to accept and love their own bodies.

“You look stunning in that bikini!! You’ve given some hope to see you in that because I’m going away soon and I very self-conscious because I’m big too but to see this has made my day,” one Instagram commenter wrote. “I think I might invest in a bikini because seeing how confident you look has helped me think about myself and love my rolls and stretch marks too!! Don’t listen to the haters, just stay positive.”

Sometimes all it takes is one picture to help change the world and the women who live in it.

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