Police officers have a tough job. Not only do they arrest criminals but they also assist their respective communities in almost any way they can. Unfortunately, cops are under attack in today’s society. Considering all the good they do, it’s important for people to see that they’re human like everyone else.
Good vibes
One way to do that is by sharing fun and positive videos. Even if they were taken years ago, it helps the public see that not all cops are bad. These are hard-working individuals, many of them parents. Just as they’d do anything for their families, they’re eager to help people they don’t even know.
One of their many responsibilities
Along with patrolling the streets, police officers work various public events. For instance, they go to parades to keep the route open and both participants and onlookers safe. They want everyone in attendance to have a blast. They work hard to ensure that.
Philly parade
A video uploaded in 2018 shows just how much cops love helping out at parades. While at an event in Philadelphia, several of them did something the crowd didn’t expect. So, what was it? They danced.
Getting into the music
As several police officers stand before people lining the streets, you can hear music in the background. The song…Cupid Shuffle. Well, if you’ve ever heard it, you know it’s impossible to stand still. Even if you don’t intend to dance, your feet move anyway.
Following suit
One officer gets the dancing bug first. Before long, there are three cops getting down to the music. The crowd loves it. They’re clapping, cheering, and encouraging them to keep going. It’s awesome.
The unexpected happens
With them all facing the same direction, they don’t see their Sargent approach from behind. He’s a big guy who looks somewhat intimidating. Uh oh, are they in trouble? All they were doing is dancing and having fun with the crowd.
The boos begin
All of the cops immediately stop dancing. In response, the attendees of the parade begin to boo loudly. They’re not very happy that the Sargent stopped all the fun. The cops just shake their heads as if saying, “Sorry, but we have to listen to the boss.”
Another unexpected
While still booing, the boss, who had disappeared out of sight, turns around and makes his way back toward the four cops. Everyone’s hoping that he too will get into the spirit of the parade. But nope, he’s strictly business.
Can’t win them all
Okay, so the “boss” kind of ruined the experience. But he was just doing his job and trying to keep everything professional. In the meantime, we can all savor the fun the dancing cops had. It’s just too bad it didn’t last long enough.
Just like us
As stated, police officers are people like all of us. They love music and sometimes, they can’t help but bust out a move or two. Especially during this difficult time, we should rally behind our men and women in blue.
If you need a good laugh, we invite you to watch the video below. It’s pretty cool. If nothing else, it’s a good reminder to appreciate and respect police as they try their best to protect and serve you.
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