Law enforcement has gone through waves of controversy lately but we can never forget how much the people in blue sacrifice and put on the line to protect and serve. Police Officer Martha Lohnes wanted to share a picture that her partner took in the line of duty, and it holds an absolutely beautiful and heartfelt message.
Martha recently met Priscilla, a homeless woman who spends her days rocking in an old chair underneath the same bridge, day after day. Although their first encounter was anything but friendly, Martha mentions that’s she the “sweetest human ever if you get on her good side”.

The woman suffers from mental illness and has physical issues as well. Priscilla’s legs are severely swallowed, and there’s also a significant and serious infection on her foot. The police officer recalls that the flesh was rotting away, and bugs quickly made their way into Priscilla’s foot. Even though Martha called an ambulance many times, the woman refused all help and can’t be forced.
Because Martha still wanted to help the woman, she brought some anti-bacterial spray the next day which would at least help with the infection. Priscilla was petrified to use the spray, so the police officer sprayed it for her.
It was at that moment that the police officer realized that moments like these are the reason she became a police officer, despite all the negativity and criticism she faces from the public on a daily basis.

Luckily, the Charleston County EMS has recently and regularly visited Priscilla to make sure she’s okay and the infection is being treated.
Apparently, the woman could be convinced to let other people help her. The emergency services also provide her with enough food and clothes. Officer Marsta Lohnes concludes in her post that these people are the ones that should be thanked, not her.
Be sure to check out the police officer’s full Facebook post – which quickly went viral with over 10,000 shares – down below.
I was debating whether or not to add this photo because I didn’t want to seem like I was looking for recognition. I don’t care for that. But I think this picture my partner took is too powerful to keep hidden. And I care to show the good in police work.
`I check on her regularly because she has an infection on her foot. The flesh is rotting away, it seeps liquid, and the bugs are constantly inside of it. She refuses to go to the hospital although I have called an ambulance for her several times. I have begged her to let me take her to the hospital but she’s so stubborn and I can’t force her.
The other day I brought her bactine spray to hopefully help heal her foot and keep the bugs away. She was almost crying because she was so scared it would sting, so I had to spray it for her. I brought her hot cheetos and beef sticks, but she proceeded to yell at me for not getting her pizza lol I absolutely adore this woman, y’all. She’s one of the most amazing souls I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.
But as I was kneeling there cleaning her foot…I couldn’t help but think of the song “who will be Jesus to her”. Sometimes it feels as if the whole world is against my blue family. We are hated and wished to be dead. We are called racist murderers, robots, and pigs. Yet, out of the public’s eye…..we get on our knees in the dirt to show love by washing the feet of those others would reject. Moments like these are the reason I am so passionate about what I do. I have never felt closer to Jesus than when I don my uniform and serve those who just need to be loved on. God put me on this earth to be a police officer. And though we are despised and rejected, my heart remains at peace because I know I’m doing God’s work. As is every man and woman I proudly serve beside. This is the side of police work you don’t see. This is our every day shift. Don’t forget that we are human, and we are called to serve as well as protect.
For anyone who read this post… I went back and saw Priscilla again today because I was going to bring her medicine, and she had a bandage around her foot. I was informed that for the past month (unbeknownst to me) Charleston County EMS has been making daily checks on Priscilla while I have only been checking on her once or twice a week. I didn’t know because she takes her bandage off by the time I get on shift because it “gets dirty”. But they provide her with more medical care and attention than I am able to. They also feed and clothe her (today she told me “don’t I look sexy in my new dress?”). I don’t know exactly who responds to her, but they are the ones who deserve the recognition. They are the real representations of Jesus and should be thanked a hundred times more than I. If anyone knows who is assigned to her, please let me know.

Here is the original post in full:
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