Kidney issues can be the cause of severe health problems, and that’s especially the case with younger children.
In order to avoid dialysis or possibly even life-threatening conditions, the brave eight-year-old boy Jackson Arneson needed to undergo a kidney transplant.
The little boy has had kidney issue for his whole life and was registered on the donor list. As we all know, however, the demand for organs is often too overwhelming and Jackson’s parents weren’t sure that he would receive a kidney in time. In the meantime, Jackson’s doctors said that his condition was worsening.
After doctors informed mom Kristi Goll that it would be best that they would also register Jackson for the deceased donor list, she posted a heartfelt message on her Facebook page.
Jackson went in for a routine kidney appointment the end of November. At this appointment, his labs showed that his kidney function is still decreasing and the doctors are in talks of activating him on the deceased donor list for a kidney transplant. The doctors still explained the very best situation would be finding a living donor for Jackson. I always knew these days would come, it’s just so hard when they are here. I have reached out before, I am just trying again to see if we can find anyone out there that would be interested in being tested. Social media has the ability to go a long ways, and Jackson’s transplant social worker reassured me of this. A donor for him would have to be an O+ blood type. Please help me get the word out and please contact me if you would be interested in being a living kidney donor. This would be the very best gift we could receive. #kidneydonation
Kristi’s post was shared almost 1,500 times, and it reached the timeline of police officer Lindsey Bittorf. She felt that she needed to get tested and see if she could help out Jackson by donating one of her kidneys.
“This is seriously meant to be, it’s going to be me,” Lindsey said.
Lindsey decided to show up with her husband, also a police officer, at the Arneson’s door to give them a very large surprise. The woman handed Kristi a frame that said the following:
“I took an oath to serve and protect my community. My kidney will now be able to serve and protect you. I am your kidney donor.”
The Arneson family couldn’t be any happier with the news that a stranger from the internet would be willing to donate one of her kidneys to save little Jackson.
After the families met, Kristi shared another post on her Facebook page.
After months of searching for a kidney donor for Jackson… I can say “the search is over!!” I can’t even put into words how amazing of a gift we are receiving from this amazing person. She surprised us after work today and I still feel in shock. Jackson is so excited and says “I think my new kidney will make me run faster!” Today you became our hero.
You can financially support Jackson and Lindsey via this crowdfunding link to cover for costs. Jackson will be receiving his kidney on the 22nd of June, 2017.
The world needs more heroes like Lindsey. What an absolutely amazing person!