Looks like there’s a “new kid” in town.
We often portray cops as enforcers of the law. They chase suspects, flag violations, or do patrols to protect the neighborhood.

But serving the community shouldn’t be boxed in these tasks alone. And as members of the force, one should never underestimate the power of engagement.
In South Hill, the local police received a call about broken utilities.
Officer C.B. Fleming responded to the scene where they reported a gas leak. The neighborhood felt it was dangerous and could cause a blaze so they called the local law enforcement in.

Fortunately, the leak was deemed not a threat. However, the presence of cops can be a little bit scary for children, especially to the group that Officer Fleming saw on his way into the apartment complex.
Officer Fleming had an idea on how to calm the kids down and make sure they feel safe.
In a video posted by one of the residents, Officer Fleming got down on the ground to play with the children.
He specifically dedicated a bit of his time to two groups that were on the street – the girls playing with dolls and a group of kids coloring.
In the video, it seemed that he didn’t mind being seen with the dolls or holding a box of crayons. And the residents are thankful for Officer Fleming’s actions.
They said that it was more than just playing with the kids.
One of the residents, Iesha Roper, explained that kids in their neighborhood are afraid of cops. So having a cop approach them and interact with them in a friendly way helps them feel protected and seen.
Roper further explained that he took the video not because she thought it was going to be viral but to show people that her niece didn’t cry – that she felt safe.
Officer Fleming shared with WTVR that community engagement, especially for kids, was something he always tried to do. He added that being a cop is more than just writing tickets and arresting people.
Officer Fleming also explained how important cops are when it comes to community building.
He said that being a cop meant being a catalyst for change, and in order for them to do that, they should help the community trust them. He also said that it’s important for them to help and inspire people regardless of race, creed, or religion.

“We had a lot of calls here when I first started,” Officer Fleming said to WTVR. “I figured if I could let them know that I was an anchor point, that they could come and talk to me and trust me, then I could do some good.”
While some people think that playing with dolls shouldn’t be a cop’s job, Roper thinks otherwise.
“For him to make my child feel like she’s safe, she doesn’t even have to call 911, she just has to call C.B. if she’s in trouble. I’m glad he made this part of his job,” she said to WTVR.
Because of his dedication to their community, the residents gave Officer Fleming a nickname – “The South Hill Batman”.

And the South Hill Batman will help his community, whether by catching some bad guys or doing cartwheels on the streets.
Watch how this resident reacted when she saw a cop playing with her nieces.
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