Acts of Kindness
Man Suspiciously Leaves Store After Trying On Shoes - Officer Returns With Him To Get Job Done
The officer returned with him to finish the job.
D.G. Sciortino

Everyone needs a good pair of shoes. I mean, can you imagine what it’s like to have to walk around, day in and day out, with shoes that hurt your feet or shoes that have holes in them and get wet when it rains.

It’s a pretty terrible way to live.

Police officers see a lot of these types of things when they’re patrolling the streets, people who are so impoverished that they can’t even a pair of shoes.

And though it’s not the job of a police officer to provide for the poor, sometimes they find it in their hearts to do so. That’s what Alicia Danielle found one night while she was at work. She first spotted a man walk into her store with shoes that were worn to shreds.

Love What Matters
Love What Matters

The man tried to purchase a pair of new shoes, however, his card wouldn’t work so he walked out of the store without the shoes.

He then returned with a police officer which aroused Danielle’s suspicions.

“So this guy comes in to buy a pair of shoes because his are literally falling off,” she explained in a post on the Love What Matters Facebook page. “Anyway, his card wouldn’t work so he left. 15 minutes later he comes back in with a cop and we’re like ‘Is there a problem officer?'”

The officer told her that there was no problem unless she no longer had the shoes that man wanted to buy.

Love What Matters
Love What Matters

“The cop is like ‘No there’s no problem but if you still have the shoes I’d like to go ahead and buy them,'” she recalls.

Thankfully, the shoes were still available. So, the officer and one of the store’s employees split the cost of the shoes for that man in need.

“So him and my co-worker split the cost of the shoes. There was no one else in the store and it wasn’t to ‘pretend’ to care. Just a genuine act of kindness.

I’m just sharing this because there is constant hate, mistrust, and division in the world we live in today…

We still have so far to go, but I promise you small acts of kindness like this are what’s going to rebuild trust and faith in our communities. I didn’t get the cop’s name but this didn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated by me or the customer.”

It’s nice to know that there are people looking out for their fellow man. You can check out Danielle’s post below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Love What Matters
