“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” – Amelia Earhart
Whenever we see those little acts of kindness, we can’t help but have a little more faith in humanity. Right now, reading good news and being able to watch feel-good videos helps us in dealing with this year’s challenges.
We may have seen people helping the elderly, handing food to homeless people, or offering to pay for someone’s meal. These are just some of the heartwarming scenarios that we often see going viral today.

However, it is not uncommon to see scripted acts of kindness. Since these are the types of contents that go viral, people use this to gain exposure. Helping people or animals without cameras around is still the best type of kindness.
Now, this random act of kindness went viral, thanks to Tim Rice, a customer who was shopping at Super 1 Foods, located in Post Idaho. He was a bystander and a witness to how a young lady helped out an elderly customer.

Last October 28, Tim Rice posted a very touching story on Facebook. According to him, he went shopping for a few gallons of milk at Super 1 in Post Falls one evening. To finish quickly, he searched for the fastest looking check-out lane and found one.
There, he saw an elderly man with a cart full of groceries and another man with just a few items, so for him, this was the fastest lane available.

When the old man’s turn came to pay, it was very clear that he was not sure how his card worked. He was confused.
Soon, the line behind Tim started to get long. People were starting to get anxious – the transaction was taking a long time, and people were starting to get impatient.
Soon, after several tries, his card went through. However, it turned out that the elderly gentleman didn’t have enough money to pay for all of his groceries. Everyone was waiting, and the cashier was politely trying to explain what happened to the old man.

This made the older gentleman more confused about what’s happening.
The cashier was very patient with him. She still tried to tell him how it works and why he didn’t have enough money. A few minutes later, the old man started to remove some of his items.
People were still waiting, and no one seemed happy.

“Without batting an eye, the cashier grabbed her phone, spun the credit card machine around, and digitally paid for all of it. She then put the items back in his cart and said, “Have a nice day,” Tim Rice shared on his post.
A lot of people noticed what happened, and they were shocked!
It wasn’t her kind actions that made their jaws dropped it was the amount she paid. The old man’s bill was over $150! She didn’t even hesitate to pay for all of it.

“The cashier couldn’t be a day over 20 herself. I looked in my wallet and pulled out the only cash I had, $25, and attempted to give it to her. She respectfully declined,” Tim continued to share his experience.
What an amazing young woman!
Imagine all of those people who were watching the old man struggle, yet not one of them came to help. No one!
This young woman stepped up, took out her card, and paid for the gentleman’s groceries. She then smiled and wished the man a great day.

Tim ended his post with a note that if anyone of his readers ever visits Super 1 in Post Falls, that they should look for a young cashier named Brittney, and to just “make her feel awesome,” because she really is.
Tim Rice updated his post and attached a screenshot of one of the comments. It was the “older gentleman” who saw the post and he commented that he was the confused customer in the post.
According to him, he didn’t have any idea that the young cashier paid for his groceries. He actually thought that his card went through. He also said that he would come back and repay her and that he will make it right for her.

However, we don’t think Brittney Rivers would accept that payment. She did that because she wanted to help – she wasn’t expecting anything in return.
In an interview with KREM-TV, Brittney Rivers, 22, shared that when she was growing up, they had it rough, they didn’t always have enough money for groceries, and she encountered her own Good Samaritan.
“This person said, ‘I just had a feeling that I need to help you,’” she explained to KREM-TV. “My mother, myself and my sibling started to tear up. I remember thinking when I grow up; I want to be just like that woman.”

She remembered that woman.
For her, if you can help, why not do it? Each one of us is fighting our own battles, and if you were in a situation where you know you can help – do it without second thoughts.
“With how crazy it is right now in 2020, we need kind people,” Rivers shared.
She definitely didn’t expect her story to go viral, but since it did. She wanted to let everyone know that everyone is capable of helping.

“I say that because you just never know what it is like for them,” she ended her interview. “You could be in their shoes down the line.”
What an amazing young lady. This year, these types of stories are just what we all need. Don’t forget to share this and if you’re in the area, you might want to say “hi” to her, too.
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