We’ve all heard about how bad California traffic can be on those long stretches of highway.
It can be pretty brutal.
Sitting there for minutes, sometimes hours, on end without moving or making progress.

Inhaling gross fumes from all the emissions that are spewing into the air around you.
Traffic can be downright frustrating.
Especially when it’s gridlock traffic and you literally aren’t going anywhere.

It’s times like those where you wish there was a rest stop with food and bathrooms right on your side of the road.
AC Catering didn’t have bathrooms for those stuck in traffic.
But they were there to feed their fellow drivers and help curb their frustrations after a terrible accident had them sitting in standstill traffic for hours.

Two drivers were killed that morning around 5 a.m. in a fiery crash that involved a tanker truck and an SUV on 105 Freeway in Hawthorne, CA.
The driver of both cars died at the scene.
Firefighters fought giant flames at the scene which shut down all lanes of traffic in both directions near Prairie Avenue, the California Highway, ABC 7 reports.

Firefighters say the fire burned for more than an hour after the collision and decided that is should just burn out on its own leaving behind metal frames of the vehicles.
Traffic was at a standstill for hours about 3 miles from the Los Angeles International Airport.
Some people even walked off the highway with their luggage in order to get to the airport and not miss their flights.
Crews remove what’s left of the tanker truck and Land Rover from the fiery 105 freeway crash. Not much remains. #105 #Hawthorne pic.twitter.com/dKpoWiV2M3
— Rob Hayes (@abc7robhayes) August 24, 2018
Strangers even helped each other to get luggage over the fences.
“We’re hoping to get out, to get the plane, but it looks like we’re not going to catch our plane,” stranded traveler Felipe Alvarado said. “So now we’re just here waiting, patiently, like everyone else. We ain’t got no choice.”

People trying to get rides from the airport were also stalled while waiting for their Ubers and taxis to arrive.
Meanwhile at the crash site, a food truck run by AC Catering decided that it might as well set up shop.
They started to fire up their grills and feed people waiting in traffic.

They even offered a deep discount of 50 percent off to their roadside customers.
People decided to just cut their losses and make the best of the situation.
They enjoyed some food with fellow drivers and struck up conversations to help them vent their frustrations.

After all, they didn’t have much choice. Eventually, the eastbound lane was opened up around 8 a.m.
The westbound lanes weren’t opened until much later at 7 p.m.
You can see some video below of chopper footage of the food truck feeding people below.
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