Bella Graham, a 4-year-old from Edgewater, Florida, was well aware that her mother, Jessica Graham, had passed away of a pulmonary embolism two years prior.
However, she didn’t see any reason why she couldn’t help her mother celebrate her birthday in heaven.
Bella’s grandmother, Laura Fisher, has been caring for her granddaughter ever since.

She says that her granddaughter started asking about her mother’s birthday about a month before the date.
“A month ago, she started getting concerned that mommy wouldn’t have a birthday cake in heaven,” Fisher told “And I thought ‘What am I going to do?'”
Fisher, who is a part-time cake baker, told Bella that they would make a cake for her mother together.

They decided on a vanilla and red velvet birthday cake.
Fisher, the owner of Lulu’s Cupcakes & More, often has her confectionary creations shipped all across the country and figured they’d ship Jessica’s cake too.
But first, she’d need the help of the U.S. Postal Service in Edgewater.

And the post office was happy to oblige.
“They mail hundreds of thousands of letters to Santa every year,” Fisher said. “Heaven isn’t that much further.”
When Bella arrived with the cake, the postal workers happily accepted her package.

“They opened up another line for her,” Fisher said.
They told Bella that this was a special line for people shipping to heaven only.
“They put a stamp on it. They guaranteed it would arrive before mommy’s birthday. When she came out, you could see the burden lifted off from Bella. She was so happy.”

Bella told the postal workers that her mother wouldn’t be able to have a proper birthday in heaven without a birthday cake.
“Her cake is really special,” Bella said.
The packaged was addressed “From Bella, To: Mommy in Heaven.”

“She was so happy. She gave me a high five. She was, like, ‘Mommy’s going to have a birthday cake! She’s going to have a party!'” Fisher told WTHR. “They have no idea how much it meant to her, to be able to do that for her mom.”
Fisher said that she knows Postal Workers catch a lot of flack but this lot were a Godsend
The story of this little girl’s special packaged ended up going viral and captured the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people on the internet.

“This is Awesome…High five to this post office for showing such love and compassion to this little girl Keep up the good work,” said a commenter.
“Awesome hats off to the post office and all the folks who help make this a special day for this little girl u all are amazing,” said another.
“I’m not crying. Are you crying? So glad they were able to help keep this little girls Mom in her memories. This is so amazing!” said one Facebook user.

You can learn more about this sweet story in the video below.
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