It’s pretty much a given that anyone working as a firefighter has a kind soul. After all, the brave men and women who serve in this field are out daily helping others in the community. Not too mention, many departments are entirely made up of volunteers and receive little to no payment. It’s just part of the job.
While typically, the firefighters don’t expect recognition for their service, recently, a couple of men who work in the North Davis Fire District in West Point, Utah did something so kind, it was impossible to ignore.
A little girl and her mom had been involved in a car accident when Battalion Chief Allen Hadley and Captain Kevin Lloyd came to the rescue.
Luckily, no one was injured in the accident.
However, they couldn’t help but notice how nervous and upset the two-year-old girl still was. They also noticed what she was holding. In her hands were three bottles of nail polish that she had managed to save from the accident and she was now carefully guarding them.
Hadley and Lloyd came up with an ingenious way to help calm her down!
“After noticing the child was holding bottles of fingernail polish, these 2 officers started talking to her about her polish and asked her if she would paint their nails,” North Davis Fire District wrote on Facebook.
It’s a far cry from what you would traditionally expect from two manly firemen, but that’s exactly what they did. They held out their hands, and the girl went to work.
She was instantly relieved.
“Within minutes, the child was calmly paining their nails and had forgotten about the accident she had just experienced.”
The firefighters saw that the young citizen was in need of extra attention and did what they could to assist her. Fortunately, their strategy worked. Although the girl’s painting wasn’t the most precise, it definitely got her mind off of what had just happened to her.
It’s a beautiful story, although, the department insists that the kind actions were nothing out of ordinary.
The two were just doing what firefighters all strive to do — assist citizens in need. Things like this happen every day, but it’s not often we hear about the incredible difference some firefighters make in people’s lives in and around their communities. In general, it’s very rare that a small act of kindness like this would get a lot of media attention.
“There’s so much going on behind the scenes that you never hear about. We don’t like to toot our own horns,” Fire Chief Mark Becraft told TODAY Parents. “
Most popular news stories these days involve something sensational or tragic happening.
We don’t often hear about the small acts of kindness that occur daily in our communities. However, in this case, we are so glad that the two men got the attention they deserved.
After the North Davis Fire District posted the heartwarming story and photos on their Facebook page, it quickly started going viral. In the last week, the post has racked up over twenty-thousand likes as well as thousands of shares.
“Great job Chief Hadley and Captain Lloyd for providing awesome customer service to one of our young citizens,” the Facebook post finishes.
We definitely agree. It’s people like Hadley and Lloyd who are out every day helping to make the world a better place for all of us to live in.
Check out the original viral Facebook post from North Davis Fire District below.
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