Acts of Kindness
Bus full of marines spot woman stranded in flood waters & rescue her not knowing her family’s history
They saw the woman in trouble and proceeded to get off the bus.
Rebecca Reid

Marines to the rescue!

After a woman was caught in rising floodwaters in Washington, D.C. on September 16, a bus full of U.S. Marines saved the day. The woman, Virginia Waller-Torres, captured her ordeal and subsequent rescue on video and posted it on TikTok. The clip of the heroic rescue quickly went viral.

YouTube screenshot - WUSA9.
YouTube screenshot - WUSA9.

The right place at the right time.

The Marines, decked out in their unif0rms, didn’t hesitate to wade through the floodwaters when they saw the car nearly underwater. The rain was coming down and the water was rising fast but that didn’t stop them from exiting the bus and making their way to the stranded car.

YouTube screenshot - WUSA9
YouTube screenshot - WUSA9

The woman can be heard in the video exclaiming, “Marine power!”

Six Marines acted quickly as the flash flood persisted. They got behind the car and started pushing it to higher ground. You can hear the relief and excitement in her voice as Waller Torres said, “This is the most American thing ever.”

YouTube screenshot - WUSA9
YouTube screenshot - WUSA9

The Marines were happy to help.

“If there’s anyone who’s going to help these people, it’d be us. We were the right ones for the job and hopped out without hesitation.”- Cpl. Mitchell Wojtowicz, one of the Marines, told FOX5 DC. The Marines were part of a special troop that performs at funeral services at Arlington. –

YouTube screenshot - WUSA9
YouTube screenshot - WUSA9

An unforgettable gesture of kindness.

After the ordeal, Waller-Torres was able to reunite with the Marines to thank them for saving her. She was overcome with gratitude for their efforts that day. “It was something so different. It was something that I can’t explain in words. I am so grateful.” –

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YouTube screenshot - WUSA9

“We figured it would be a good idea to just lend a helping hand and help out our fellow American,” Cpl. Jared Tosner told FOX5 DC

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YouTube screenshot - WUSA9

A hug for the Marines who saved her.

The Marines met with Waller-Torres and she hugged them and thanked them for everything they did to save her. She also told them that she was truly touched by their kindness because it reminded her of her grandfather. He was buried at Arlington and was a World War II veteran. He served in the Navy during the Persian Gold War. – FOX5 DC

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YouTube screenshot - WUSA9

The two Marines who met with Waller-Torres want people to ‘pay it forward.’

“And if people just reciprocate that, and do good unto others, I think our country is headed in a good direction,” Tosner told FOX5 DC

Even though the Marines are expected to help in situations like this, they know that ordinary people can also make a huge impact. Anyone can stop and help a person in need or give back in another way. These Marines remind us all that goodness and honor make our country strong.

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YouTube screenshot - WUSA9

People who saw the video online were blown away by the gesture of kindness.

One commenter wrote, “The military is supposed to represent the best of society. That is what we’re taught during basic training and that will stick with us forever.” Others wrote even more praise for our Marines.

“Outstanding Marines! As a former Marine myself I know these guys didn’t even hesitate to help. It just comes naturally.” “The few, the proud……the very honorable!!!! LOVE OUR MARINES!”

YouTube screenshot - WUSA9
YouTube screenshot - WUSA9

Now watch this incredible video of the Marines jumping into action to save the stranded driver.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
