Acts of Kindness
Bus driver makes unexpected stop not on route that has passengers applauding her
They didn't know what the situation was until they heard the driver start shouting.
Sasha Alonzo

Elaine Caraballo, the HART bus driver, didn’t just drive her route that day; she drove a message home – a message of compassion, empathy, and community spirit.

Her spontaneous act of kindness has become a beacon of light, illustrating the profound impact small gestures can have.

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ABC Action News - YouTube

Melissa Colleran, who was aboard the bus, felt a deep connection to this act of kindness.

“It touched me. It really did,” she expressed, her words echoing the sentiments of everyone who has witnessed this touching scene, either in person or through the video.

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ABC Action News - YouTube

This incident unfolded in Hillsborough County, where stories of kindness and community spirit are not just heard but celebrated.

Elaine, while on her usual route, spotted an unexpected sight that she usually doesn’t see.

An elderly woman at the intersection of 15th and Fletcher was struggling in the median.

“She had one foot up, one foot down, like she was leaning over,” she detailed, painting a vivid picture of the scene.

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ABC Action News - YouTube

The video, which has now become a symbol of hope and kindness, shows the elderly woman in a vulnerable position, stranded and struggling.

It was a moment that called for compassion and action, and Elaine didn’t hesitate to respond.

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ABC Action News - YouTube

The security cameras on the bus recorded every detail as Elaine approached the elderly woman, ensuring her safety and helping her cross the street.

“As I was walking across, she started talking to me, she said ‘don’t get too close.’

She said, ‘because I’m kind of funky.’

I said, ‘ma’am I’m not worried about that.

I’m just trying to get you safe across the street,’” Elaine narrated, reflecting the warmth and humanity in her response.

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ABC Action News - YouTube

When Elaine returned to her bus, the air was filled with gratitude and appreciation from the passengers.

“Everyone was saying ‘thank you,’” she reminisced.

It was a collective expression of gratitude, a shared moment of joy and appreciation for a simple, yet profound act of kindness.

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ABC Action News - YouTube

Hillsborough County seems to have a tradition of kindness, with bus drivers often going above and beyond their duties to spread love and compassion.

It shows the strong sense of community and the presence of everyday heroes who walk among us, silently making the world a better place.

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ABC Action News - YouTube

The journey ended, but the echoes of appreciation and love followed Elaine home, where her family was waiting to shower her with love and recognition.

“I feel good, because once I got home, I told my husband about it. He was like, ‘that’s my girl, that’s my girl, that’s my girl,’ and that made me really feel good, because I did something good and he was proud of it at the same time,” she shared, her voice laced with joy and pride.

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ABC Action News - YouTube

Elaine’s story is more than just an incident; it’s a narrative of hope, kindness, and the human spirit.

It’s a reminder that in a world often clouded by negativity, rays of positivity and humanity shine through, turning ordinary streets into avenues of love and compassion.

It’s a story that encourages us all to be a little more kind, a little more compassionate, and a little more human.

Watch Elaine take action for the elderly woman in need in the video below. She really is a hero.

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