While it seems like many people go about their day focused only on themselves, the world is actually full of kind-hearted individuals that will go out of their way to help others.
Some strangers perform simple acts of kindness like holding open doors. On the other hand, there are people who will spring into action when something’s not right – just like one bus driver did on a frigid morning.
It all started when she spotted two very small children outside with no adult around.

Nicole Chamberlain, a bus driver from Wisconsin, shared with WISN details of how she helped two kids wandering along the road.
It happened on a cold Monday morning. It was 18 degrees out, with snow on the ground, when Nicole spotted a toddler and her older brother walking outside. It turned out to be a two-year-old girl and her six-year-old brother.

“The little girl only had on a t-shirt and diaper and neither of them had a coat on,” Nicole Chamberlain said.
“They were headed toward a busy intersection and I knew there was no school bus stop down there, or school, so I knew right away I had to pull over and help them.”

It was a good thing she was there to make sure nothing worse happened to the two.
Moreover, it was also in good timing that no one with bad intentions was around to take advantage of the children’s vulnerability.
Nicole shouted “whoa” when she spotted the two children. She then hit the brakes and pulled over to the side of the road.

It was obvious something wasn’t right.
The bus driver stepped out of the bus and asked the children what they were doing out on such a frigid morning. The kids replied by saying they were looking for their grandmother.
Nicole knew what to do right away.
She told WISN:
“I said, ‘Come with me, I’m gonna put you on the warm bus and I’ll help you find grandma.’”

The bus driver was like their angel that morning.
She took the two-year-old in her arms and guided the six-year-old onto the bus and called the police. The situation shifted from tense to relieving as the bus driver got in touch with the authorities.
Apart from taking control of the situation and looking out for the safety of the kids, Nicole also made sure they were protected from the cold. Footage from the bus camera captured the bus driver covering the toddler’s bare legs with her coat.

Within a few minutes of waiting, the children’s grandmother arrived.
The relieved and grateful grandmother explained how her grandkids ended up wandering off by themselves. She was in the basement when the little boy went outside, followed by his baby sister.

No charges were recommended by the cops since the situation was “accidental.” The bus driver didn’t think much of what she did and explained:
“If that were to happen to my children, I would hope that there would be somebody — a decent human being — that would stop and help my kids.”

She was in the right place at the right time.
According to GMA’s report, Nicole had actually left 5 minutes early that morning. If she hadn’t done so – she wouldn’t have ever seen the two children. She truly was their angel that day!
Watch the video below to see footage of Nicole jumping into action to help the siblings.
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