Acts of Kindness
Bus driver makes little girl stay on bus daily after everyone exits then dad learns her hair is reason
When it comes to being a bus driver Ms. Tracey is far from average.
Sasha Alonzo

In many families, mothers are the linchpin, masterfully balancing the demands of home life, from organizing meals to maintaining cleanliness.

One Utah mom, Patricia Pieri, took particular joy in a seemingly simple task: styling her young daughter Isabella’s hair, creating miniature masterpieces with each braid and bun.

Moms like Patricia seem to have superpowers, handling stubborn stains and lost socks as if by magic.

But they do more than just maintain the home; they build bonds through these little acts of love.

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But life has a way of throwing curveballs.

Patricia faced a rare brain illness for years, and sadly, she passed away when Isabella was just nine.

This left Isabella not only heartbroken but also without her mom’s skilled hands to style her hair.

Her dad, 47-year-old Philip Pieri, gave hairstyling his best shot, but as many dads will admit, braids and buns are not typically in their wheelhouse.

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Talking about his attempts, Philip shared, “She’d get mad at me for pulling her hair. I didn’t know how to do it. One day [Isabella] came home, and her hair looked beautiful. I call her my princess, and suddenly, she wasn’t just playing the part, she looked it too. And that did wonders for her self-confidence, exactly what I had hoped for.”

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The pressing question then: who became the fairy godmother to Isabella’s Cinderella, magically transforming her hair?

The answer came in an unlikely form: 47-year-old Tracy Dean, who wasn’t a hairstylist or a family friend but Isabella’s school bus driver.

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Tracy had been quietly observing from the driver’s seat for two years since Patricia’s passing.

She watched as Isabella made brave yet fumbling attempts to manage her hair, leading to one instance where she even came aboard the bus with a much shorter haircut, courtesy of her dad’s last-resort solution.

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Being a mom to four kids, Tracy understood that a young girl’s self-esteem could be intricately connected to her appearance.

Knowing Isabella was facing the kind of challenge that no young girl should have to tackle alone, Tracy decided it was time to step in.

After all, a good hair day can mean the world at that age.

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Each day, after all the other children had exited the bus and gone home, Tracy and Isabella would have a little “salon session” right there on the bus.

Armed with a hairbrush and a mission, Tracy would brush and braid Isabella’s hair with expertise. Tracy recounts, “I could tell she was struggling with her hair. Usually, we go for two French braids, but sometimes she asks for just one. I’ve also taught her to brush her hair properly. Now she gets on the bus, eager to show me her efforts, asking, ‘I brushed my hair. Does it look good?’ I’ll reply, ‘You did awesome.’”

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Philip was deeply touched and immensely grateful for Tracy’s compassion.

“She’s such a nice woman,” he beamed. Tracy, undeterred by the extra minutes this added to her workday, felt compelled to help. Having battled cancer herself, she thought, “What if it were my child struggling like this?”

She added, “My mom raised me to be kind to everyone, to offer a little love to those who need it most. I believe in giving all kids a chance, even those who might be a little more challenging to deal with.”

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The extraordinary friendship between Isabella and Tracy serves as a beautiful reminder that sometimes heroes come in the most unexpected forms.

And as seen in the video capturing this story, Isabella is visibly overjoyed by Tracy’s hair-styling skills, highlighting the incredible emotional impact that such a small act of kindness can bring.

Their story proof of the ripple effect of good deeds, turning even the ordinary act of brushing hair into an extraordinary display of human connection.

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