Last year, a girl named Safyre Terry inspired the world to come together and demonstrate the true meaning of Christmas.
In 2013, someone had doused the stairwell of Safyre’s house with gasoline before setting it ablaze. Every member of the household— including her father David Terry, her 3-year-old sister Laylah, her 2-year-old brother Michael, and her 11-month-old brother Donovan— were killed as a result of the horrendous act.

Liz Dolder, Safyre’s aunt and current guardian, tells The Independent:
“The firefighters found her father, and when they tried to lift him up, she was underneath him— cuddled into his arms. That is the reason why she lived.”
Safyre’s survival did not come without obstacles, however. She had been burned over 75% of her body— requiring 10 months of hospitalization and the amputation of her right hand and left foot.

A few years after the fire, despite her difficulties, Safyre was overjoyed about the oncoming holidays— and little did she know just how great they would turn out to be!
Liz tells the Washington Post, “Everything [was] magical. I went to Goodwill and bought a Christmas card tree. And she helped me put it up. When got our first Christmas card, she was so excited. […] It was just incredible.”
Safyre, talking about the card holder told her aunt, “I can’t wait to fill it all up.” Not wanting to disappoint her niece, however, Liz told her the truth: “Honey, I don’t think we’re going to end up filling that.”
Seeing if they could get a hold of a few Christmas cards to brighten Safyre’s holidays, Liz and her friend Kevin Clark took to Facebook with a challenge, writing:
“I wonder how many of my friends would take the time to write and send Safyre a Merry Christmas card that she can hang on her card tree.”
Social media sites like Reddit and Imgur soon got a hold of Liz and Kevin’s post, helping to share Safyre’s request with the world.
Although Safyre had barely anticipated having enough cards to fill her little tree, the internet wasn’t about to let her down, sending the brave, little girl more than ONE MILLION Christmas cards!

According to the Daily Mail, when Liz’s post went viral, it took TWO 2-ton mail trucks and an additional cargo truck to deliver one day’s worth of Safyre’s Christmas cards.
She even got a card from the Obama family!
According to Today, Michelle Obama wrote: “When the President and I heard your story, we wanted to be sure you had a White House holiday card to add to your collection. You sound like such a brave girl and you have inspired so many people around the world, including Barack and me.”
But it didn’t stop there— the next Christmas, the cards just kept coming!
In June of 2017, The Daily Gazette reported that Safyre had recently teamed up with Twill to sell ‘Survivor Snapback” hats, which can be purchased here.
Whenever a Survivor Snapback is purchased, 25% of the proceeds are donated to Safyre’s charity, Safyre’s Angel Network, an organization who sends care packages to children displaced by fire.
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