For some people, high school can be the best time of their lives, while for others it is a living nightmare.
Anyone who is slightly different from the status quo may find themselves on the receiving end of “unkindness.”

That was the case for 16-year-old sophomore Chy Johnson.
Chy was born with a brain disorder called microcephaly which means that her brain is smaller than the size of other people her age.
Due to this, Chy experienced some physical and developmental delays as well as difficulties with coordination and balance.

All these things made Chy an easy target for her classmates who sometimes went as far as to throw trash at her.
Chy would come home from school many times, crying her eyes out because of what the other students had said or done to her during the day.
Chy’s mother, Elizabeth, had finally had enough one day and decided to do something about the things that were going on in the school.

Elizabeth emailed a family friend and student at the same high school, Carson Jones, and asked him for the names of some of the kids.
Carson, a senior and the quarterback of the school’s football team was disgusted at what he had heard was happening to his young friend and so he decided to intervene.
The next day at lunch, Carson found Chy and invited her over to sit with him and the rest of his teammates.

Chy happily obliged and continued dining with the team for the rest of the year.
He and the rest of his teammates quickly grew to love Chy and they looked out for her throughout the day too, not letting any of the unkind students get to her in the hallways between classes.

She attended every game and event, cheering on her newfound friends.
In the end, they all grew into a tight-knit and loving community.
“They’re not mean to me,” Chy told KTVK, “because all my boys love me.” she added with a smile.
The girl’s positive and infectious attitude would be able to win over anyone who gave her a chance.

It has been 10 years since Carson and his teammates ‘adopted’ Chy into their group and they have remained friends ever since.
The school recently hosted their 10-year reunion, and they all got to meet up again.
Chy had kept in touch with Carson and a few of the other boys but was excited to see the whole team again.

It was like no time had passed when they all met up.
Though everyone was older, and some of them were now married with children, they instantly reconnected and reminisced about the good old days.
Even after 10 years, Chy still loves her boys and is unbelievably grateful to them and their kindness in making the second half of her high school experience an enjoyable one.

Meet Chy and her guardian angel boys in the video below!
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