Aren’t babies wonderful? They’re so chubby and cute. They’re so innocent and wide-eyed — everything is new to them. They are just an absolute joy to be around. But sometimes they can be a bit fussy and a bit difficult to comfort. It comes with the territory.
Sometimes moms and dads need a little help from time to time — if that help happens to live in the same house with you, even better! The adorable baby in the video you’re about to see had someone to help comfort her while she cried — her big brother.
Growing up with siblings can be a pendulum of constant bickering and picking on one another to some of the most fun and best memories of your life. When you grow up with people in the same house, so close in age, there’s bound to be some sibling rivalry.
That’s why it’s so important for parents to cherish the moments when their kids are babies and toddlers. Sure, infants and toddlers can be quite the tantrum throwers — but at least they’re not arguing over who can sit in the front seat of the car yet.
The brother/sister duo in the video below is absolutely precious and they are winning over the hearts of the internet.

Baby sister is lying on the bed as the camera is rolling; of course, you want to make sure you get as much camera time as possible when they’re so small and cute! Her onesie floral pajamas and chubby cheeks are just to die for.
But soon into the video, the baby starts to get a bit uncomfortable and fussy letting out small cries of discomfort.

At the very moment that little sis starts to cry and fuss about, little brother springs into action and it seems like he knows exactly what to do.
Big brother is still in diapers himself, but that doesn’t stop him from taking on the big brother role and comforting his little sister.

The little boy, named Cal, lays right beside his baby sister and she immediately lights up. It’s apparent that she absolutely adores her big brother. He clearly has a knack for cheering her up from a cranky mood.
Soon after curling up next to her, he brushes her cheek and starts letting out an adorable chant.

We’re not entirely sure what this sweet big brother is saying but it sounds something like “cutie babies.” Maybe it’s something their mom, dad, or relative say when they see this adorable pair. Wherever he learned it, it’s adorable.
Sibling love at it’s absolute finest in this video. Share this bit of happiness on Facebook with your friends and family!
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