The miracle of life is a special kind of event. It’s stressful, scary, and comes with a massive reward – a baby! The excitement builds for nine months, and when the big day finally arrives, it’s like nothing else in the world. While a lot of the focus is often on the mom and dad, other people are impacted by a new baby in the house – siblings!

Sibling relationships are a special and unique phenomenon for humans.

If you aren’t having fun playing, you are at each other’s throats! There is one time in the experience of a sibling, however, where things seem to be at peace. When an older sibling holds their new sister or brother in their arms for the first time, there is wonder in their eyes. It’s not long after that moment that they are SURE to argue and fight only a few years later.
BUT, for a little while, they are friends.

As long as you capture the moment that the older sibling holds their new baby sibling on video, you can lie and tell them that they got along when they were younger! Despite using it as blackmail to try and force them to get along when they are older, it’s always a moment that is incredibly cute and heartwarming. Not to mention funny most of the time!
Trevin got to meet his brother Carson, and the result is SO cute.

The scene is set in a hospital room, and you can tell from the energy that this mom is tired! No wonder, giving birth is one of the toughest things you can do! After the ordeal, everything calms down for a bit, and you do your best to keep a chill atmosphere for the exhausted mom. You can feel those vibes in this room, even through the video.
Trevin is sitting on his chair and is waiting to hold his new baby brother.

Propped up on a pillow and leaning back on a gray hospital chair, little Trevin is as cute as can be. You can tell how excited he is to hold his new brother! For him, this is a big moment. He has seen his mom with her big belly for months now, and his parents are probably thrilled that they don’t have to field any more questions of “mama, how did a baby get in your belly” anymore.
When Trevin’s dad finally brings the baby over, the moment is touching.

“BABY!” Carson cries, as he sees the little bundle of blankets being brought his way. This is his little brother he is about to see! He is probably just as excited as anyone else is to see the little pink alien. His dad walks over and carefully shows Carson off to Trevin.
“Mommy’s belly is gone! This is baby Carso – OOOP, careful, soft”
Trevin is chomping at the bit to hold his brother.

With a loving pat on the bundle (albeit an aggressive one), Trevin takes hold of the small life. As soon as he does, his entire demeanor shifts. The slightly aggressive toddler movements are softened, and he looks in childlike wonder at this little human in his arms.

The moment is SUPER cute and reminds us of the connection we all share.

Even though it’s hard to see now, these two will grow up wrestling in the yard, playing, and eating their parents out of house and home together. It’s all part of growing up with a brother! This little moment is sure to be remembered and looked back on for years to come – along with 1 million other YouTube viewers. Brothers are awesome.

Check out their adorable 1st meeting in the video below!
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