The best thing about everyday heroes is just that – they are everyday people! We all would like to imagine that we would step up in a time of crisis, but if we were honest, would we? Not everyone has the opportunity to learn that about themselves, but one 17-year-old boy in Manchester, Michigan did.
Tyler Kennedy is being hailed as a hero after this incredible rescue.

Tyler Kennedy is the kind of kid that we all imagine when we picture a 17-year-old boy. He enjoys school, plays football and is on the wrestling team, and does all the sorts of things that you would expect a boy to do! It’s what he did outside of school, however, that earned him accolades.
One November day, Tyler saw a truck that had slammed into a tree while on the road.
Tyler was immediately concerned for the driver, a woman named Leanne Guenther. While she was driving, she suffered a complication in her heart, essentially tearing one of the valves and causing her to lose consciousness and crash. Tyler was the first one on the scene.
When Tyler saw the vehicle, he got out of his car and ran to help.
Leanne was conscious but stuck within the truck. To make matters worse, a fire had broken out under the vehicle. Things were getting worse by the second. Getting over to the car, Tyler asked the woman if she was ok and able to leave the vehicle.
When Tyler realized that the woman was trapped inside the burning truck, he knew that he had to act fast.
Going to the other side of the truck, he ripped open the passenger door and climbed in. Reaching over, he grabbed hands with the stuck woman and helped her get free of the vehicle. Finally, Tyler was able to lift her up and flee from the burning truck and dangerous fumes to lay her on the grass.
It had all happened so fast, but Tyler had just saved a woman’s life.
After the craziness of the event had settled down, the family of the woman heard what had happened and how Tyler was the hero that saved Leanne. In an interview, Leanne’s son Ryan told WXYZ-TV:
“What could I give? What could I give to someone who saved my mom’s life? All I can do is thank him. Thank God and thank him. Somebody cared enough to save someone they didn’t know. Now I have a ‘miracle mom’, and she’s alive and I’m thankful for it.”
Now, Tyler is back in school like he was before.
He heard that the surgeon was able to help Leanne fix her heart and take care of the other injuries sustained during the crash. It looks like, at the end of the day, two hearts came away a bit stronger than they were before. Tyler knows what kind of person he is when trouble arises – that’s not something easy to come by!

Check out the video below to see an interview with the teen hero!
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