David Gray and Case Baker are two normal kids. When they stumbled upon a wallet loaded with cash, what do you think they did?
David and Case are 12 and 11 years old. Like most kids, they don’t have much money.
They get a little pocket money from their parents for doing chores. And of course, they wish they had more cash to spend on comics and candy.
One day, the two friends were walking through a parking lot when they saw something strange on the ground. It was a wallet.
They picked the wallet up and looked inside. The wallet was absolutely loaded with cash. In all, there were $500 in bills.
So what did Gray and Baker do?
“It wasn’t anyone’s except for his.” – Case Baker.
The boys decided to find the rightful owner. They didn’t even think about touching the cash.
Instead, they found a driver’s license and hatched a plan. Case stayed at the spot where they had found the wallet, while David took the wallet to a nearby police station.
Pretty soon, the police officers were able to locate the owner of the wallet.
Scott Ames was so happy to get the wallet back. It wasn’t just the money. The wallet also had sentimental items in it, such as a photo of his late mother.
And of course, Ames was amazed to see that not one of the bills had been removed.
Clearly, a person with strong morals had found his wallet, he reasoned. When the police told him that two pre-teen boys had found the wallet, he was amazed. Sure, there was no reason for him to be surprised that two boys were pillars of the community. But it didn’t exactly fit the stereotype of young people.
The return of the wallet really reaffirmed Ames’s faith in humanity.
He has been in a bad place recently. When he lost his wallet, he was arriving at divorce court. His long term marriage had dissolved after so many years.
A news team then interviewed the kids who had returned Ames’s wallet. Naturally, they were modest.
“We did the right thing to help someone that was going through a hard time.” – Case Baker.
But Ames wanted to reward the kids for their good deed. He decided to give them $50 each. And let’s face it, when you’re a kid, $50 is a fortune!
It’s super important to remember stories like this when you hear people moaning about kids today. Just remember that for every story of kids acting like monsters, there are many more instances of kids being like David and Case.
These positive stories don’t always get the same amount of airtime.
After all, a story with a title like, “Kids Do Something Awful,” will probably get more clicks than one with a title like, “Kids Prove That They’re Raised Well.”
In fact, there’s plenty of data to prove that the kids of today are better than the kids of any previous generation.
For instance, teen drug, cigarette and alcohol use has fallen to historic lows in recent years. You probably didn’t realize that, because it doesn’t fit in with the “doom and gloom” narrative that some news outlets are pursuing.
So just remember, kids today, by and large, are good people, like David and Case. In fact, they’re much better than you were at their age!
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