It’s often the little ones who remind us what it means to live a life of faith. As adults, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of regular life, but kids are around to remind us of the innocence and wonder in the world.

One little boy had recently made it on the news when HE stopped a police officer on his way to school.

Typically, it’s no civilians stopping cops on the street, it’s the other way around! This time, however, it was different (in a good way). A little boy was on his way to the bus stop for school when he noticed Jan Dykes, a police officer, walking nearby.
The boy’s response? Ask the woman if he could pray for her!

”He stopped me and was like, ‘Hey, before you leave, would mind if I prayed with you for your day and my day going to school?” Dykes said.
Incredibly, the boy didn’t want anything from the office except to pray with her. The moment was captured with a photo and it’s truly heartwarming to see. Depicted is the little boy in his school clothes and a cute backpack. He is standing and praying out loud while Officer Dykes has her hand on her heart and one hand on the boy’s arm.

It was a simple prayer, but those are usually the best, right?

“It was great,” she said. “He said, ‘I want to pray for this officers safety. I made a new friend. I really hope her day goes great, and hopefully she makes a lot of lives better and going to school and meeting new people.’ It was really great to think this kid had this much excitement.”
After the moment was over, the boy hopped on his bus and went to school, unaware of how impactful the moment had just been for Officer Dykes. She didn’t know how to respond to the random kindness of the boy and wanted him to know how much it meant to her.

When Officer Dykes went back to the bus stop later to thank the boy when he got home, he wasn’t there!

She didn’t know his name, where he lived, or anything about him. Although she had wanted to thank him, she couldn’t. Even though it was something that the boy had initiated, it had meant the world to Officer Dykes.
The simple gesture was a reminder of the good in people.

Officer Dykes was just glad to see such a young boy trying to be kind to someone in their life. For anyone who saw the post, it was a good reminder for them, too!
”It brought a lot of joy to me for him to want to do that for me,” Dykes said. “Often times people are thinking, ‘How can you go and help them?’ and its just nice to see he wanted to do that for me. It made me happy and see someone so young and moldable and being so positive and wanting to be that light.”
It wasn’t a show being put on, it was just an innocent moment of love.
Check out the Facebook post below!
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