Having a second child can be both exciting as well as nerve-wracking.
You feel excited and confident because you’ve done it all before. Still, you also feel nervous because you are faced with a new challenge – introducing the new baby to your firstborn.
Will they not like having a sibling stealing attention? Will the older sibling love and care for their newborn sibling? Parents never know the answer to these questions until they bring their second child home.
Of course, we all hope there’s no jealousy between our kids.

Parents hope their first child will be a loving and caring older sibling to the new baby. Every parent hears the stories of first children throwing temper tantrums and being mean to their new siblings.
Parents always hope that will not be their family’s story.
Like any other parents, this couple was a bit nervous about how their son would react when he finally met his little sister.
Their worries were quickly swept away when something unexpectedly sweet happened.

This older sibling is still a young one himself but already knows that he must be gentle and loving to his baby sister.
He does not only tell his baby sister that he loves her, he sings it to her.
He has created his own tune to sing to his sister how much he loves her. His baby sister cannot take her eyes off her older brother.
Her brother will definitely be her favorite person!

He doesn’t only sing his love to sister, he shows it with hand kisses.
His mom reminds him to be gentle with his sister, but he needs no reminder. He gently picks up her hand to give her soft kisses. There are a bunch of toys behind him to play with but he only wants to dote on his baby sister.
This sweet little boy kisses his sister’s hand three times!

The sun is shining brightly in the video but this older brother already knows that babies sleep all the time, especially his little sister. He tries to pull her blanket up to her neck as he tells her “night, night.”
She is not ready for sleep but this older brother is doing the best he can in taking care of his little sister.
His innocence of wanting to help put his sister to “night, night,” even though it is not time, is just so sweet!

Mark Feinberg is a professor at Penn University for human development. He explains to Fatherly,
“Sibling relationships influence children’s adjustment and development about as much as parenting does.”

Sibling relationships are unlike any other relationship.
They are each other’s first friends and longest-life companions. Siblings know how to press each other’s buttons, right where it hurts the most, but they also know how to care for each other in ways that others do not understand.
This relationship is deep and can affect a person for the rest of their life. We can tell, these two will get along!

Sibling relationships are crucial to development because they are a baby’s first playmate. Fatherly states,
“Younger siblings are fascinated by older siblings, and eager to learn their games and customs; older siblings test out leadership skills and conflict resolution on their younger brothers and sisters.”

Okay, if you’re ready you can watch the full video below.
Prepare for your heart to melt at these adorable and cute siblings.
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