This 11-year-old died saving his younger sister’s life.
Few things are as tragic as a child dying, but at the very least, this child earned the title of hero as he died. La’Darious Wylie was only 11 years old when he pushed his younger sister, Sha’Vonta, who was just 7, out of the way of an oncoming vehicle. He saved her life in the process but died from his injuries.
This actually took place just over two years ago, on Oct. 27, 2015, but La’Darious’ brave actions are worth recounting every once in a while as a way to show the good in the world and the love between siblings.

The siblings were waiting at their school bus stop in the small rural city of Chester, South Carolina, which is around 60 miles to the north of Columbia. An oncoming vehicle veered toward the kids while they waited for the bus. Acting on instinct, La’Darious pushed his sister out of harm’s way but didn’t have time to save himself, as well.
Witnesses shared the bravery of La’Darious as well as the tragic moment.
The HuffPost talked to Kimberly Robinson, their cousin, who explained what witnesses had told her:
“His little sister was standing at the bus stop when the car came. He pushed her out of the way, but he was unable to move in time. The impact of the car threw him but, my God, I can’t talk about that.”
Instead of remaining on the scene, the driver sped off, hoping to get away without a conviction or any responsibility.
The family rushed to La’Darious, and paramedics arrived quickly. They brought him to Charlotte, North Carolina’s Levine Children’s Hospital. La’Darious was placed in the Intensive Care Unit right away. According to Robinson:
“He survived, but he was braindead. His mom stayed by his side and they kept him on life support until the following day, when she finally decided to let him go.”

In his death, La’Darious saved not only his sister’s life but those of countless others, as well.
Robinson reported that La’Darious’ mother donated his organs. Considering experts say that just one organ donor can save as many as eight lives, La’Darious may have saved as many as nine people that day. In fact, if his mother also donated his eyes and tissues, he may have saved or positively impacted as many as 50 people.
Robinson also told the HuffPost about her conversation with La’Darious’ mother:
“I asked her what made her do that. She said ‘Kim, I thought about it and I thought about it, and if my son can save one child’s life, like he saved his sister, then died for a purpose.’”
La’Darious was in fifth grade, attending Chester Park Center of Literacy Through Technology.
According to Robinson, he was the third-oldest child with five sisters and three brothers. He was close to his family, including his siblings and parents, Elizabeth McCrorey and Carlos Wylie Sr.
“La’Darious loved his family. He was the apple of his momma’s eye. He was well-behaved, he got good grades, and he played football.”
A fund was established in the name of La’Darious to assist his family with the costs of burial and his medical expenses, and it collected $25,000 within days. The family decided to use any extra money from the fund to renovate one of the parks by their home.
As for his siblings:
“It ain’t hit the younger kids yet that he ain’t here. But once the funeral is over and their life goes back to normal, it’s going to hit everyone.”

The woman who hit La’Darious, 57-year-old Michelle Johnson, was charged with felony hit and run that resulted in death.
As of the following January, state prosecutors took over the case to avoid a conflict of interest. In July of this year, a full 21 months after pleading guilty, Johnson received probation following a heartfelt apology. Her apology was sincere, and she herself had been in a similar situation. Her daughter had been hit by a car while pregnant and died.
While the story of La’Darious is tragic no matter how you look at it, it also shows us just how brave and selfless children can be.
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Source: HuffPost