Any parent who has ever taken their kids into a store knows that they are going to see things they want.
Some parents don’t mind buying their children gifts every time they go shopping, but others can’t afford it. When Debbie and her son Leon were shopping at an Asda store in Hunt’s Cross, United Kingdom, the 10-year-old found a stuffed panda bear and instantly fell in love with it.

He asked his mother if she would buy it for him, but she didn’t have enough money at the time.
She told him they would come back to get it on her next payday. Leon was understanding, but he also was worried that someone else might buy the bear before then.
He put the bear in an empty box, and on the outside of the box he wrote a note.
The note said:
“My mum doesnt have anuff money, so she’s byeng me Pandy next week 15 June. So please don’t bye him it will make me cry – thank you so much from his hopeful future owner. Pandas name is Pandy.”

Store employees later found the box with the bear inside and read the note.
Several of them put in money to buy the bear for the boy. Next, they had to find him. They decided to post the note on social media to see if they could find him or his parents.
It was shared hundreds of times during the next few days. The boy’s mom happened to see the post on social media and couldn’t believe what she was reading. She said:
“A few days later I was flicking through Facebook – I hadn’t realized until then what Leon had written – he’d really poured his heart and soul into his message.”

She took Leon to the store, where the staff members proudly handed him the bear.
Leon was thrilled and couldn’t believe his eyes. He was so excited to have his beloved bear and was thankful that the store employees had bought it for him.
Debbie was very appreciative of everything the store had done for her son. Not only had they bought the bear for him, but they had gone to great lengths to find him. She was touched by their kindness and caring attitudes. They didn’t even know her son, but yet, they wanted to help her family.

The workers were just as happy to give the bear to the boy as he was to receive it.
They were all smiling and said it felt great to do something nice for someone.
The boy’s mom added:
“As he was walking out he said to me ‘This is the best day of my life’. It meant the world to him – thank you so much Asda!”

She said the family was in need of some kindness in their lives.
She explained that earlier this year, their baby boy had been born prematurely and died when he was only 4 days old. The entire family was taking it hard, especially her kids, who had been so involved in everything leading up to the birth. They had been so excited for a new baby and so upset when he passed away.
She explained:
“In January my son Oliver was born prematurely and passed away four days later so it’s been a really tough, difficult time for all of the family, especially the children who were so involved in the lead-up to the birth.”

She believes that Leon will never forget that day or the kindness of the store employees. She said it made a big difference in their lives and helped bring them some happiness during a difficult time. Leon can now snuggle his bear anytime he feels sad or scared.
Leon also decided to pay the kindness forward.
In memory of his baby brother, he asked his parents to donate the money they would have spent on the bear to help families who have lost a baby.

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