Nature is truly amazing. There are a lot of amazing and fascinating creatures that have special qualities and most of the time – have a very distinct and unique look.
In fact, scientists estimate that the Earth’s biodiversity has more than 8 million species of plants and animals in existence, and yet, mankind has only discovered 1.2 million species that have been described and identified.
Over generations, most species that are still alive today have evolved unique traits mainly to adapt, breed, and survive. These identifiable differences help scientists differ one species from another.
A perfect example of this wonderful evolution is the African Black Rain Frog.
This grumpy-looking frog is a native to the southern coast of South Africa elevated at up to 3,300 feet. One of its unique traits is to literally dig deep, burrowing underground to create tunnels up to six inches deep.
Most frogs can be found near water, but not this one. This amphibian sits well on one of its tunnels due to the moisture on the ground.
It looks intimidating which is a good thing in the animal kingdom. Frogs are often under the food chain but the black rain frog has a wonderful defense mechanism to help keep him safe from predators.
At only two inches, it can inflate its round body to look like a small balloon which deters predators and prevent it from falling down further inside its burrow.
Unwanted guests are not welcome inside!
But of course, all species need to mate including this hermit of a frog. During mating season, females secrete a sticky substance from their backs so that the male won’t fall off.
Isn’t that thoughtful?
Females approximately hatch up to 43 yellow eggs that are five millimeters in diameter. In comparison, it’s the size of a pencil eraser or half a pea.
Once hatched, male frogs stay inside the burrow to guard the eggs, occasionally sending out little chirps as part of their calls.
This amphibian’s diet isn’t well known, but it normally spends its day roaming around the forest floor looking for worms, spiders, and some insects. However, they are also on the lookout for some predators wandering about such as snakes and some Birds of Prey.
They are also nocturnal, usually hunting at night.
Frogs usually have warts all over. It may look like it, but this cranky amphibian has not, instead they have tiny bumps on their body. Typically they’re dark brown in color which earned them the nickname, “Angry Avocado.”
Thankfully, the black rain frogs are not threatened nor endangered. The IUCN or International Union for Conservation of Nature have classified them as “least concern” when it comes to global conservation.
In fact, these frowning avocados are locally abundant!
Luckily, their habitat is protected from alien vegetation, afforestation, and even forest fires.
We definitely hope that we can also protect other species as much as these frogs are protected. Too many species have gone extinct due to modernization and people selling exotic animals.
Let us all help protect these beloved creatures and contribute to their conservation!
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